idk books n games

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recently i have been reading and writing a bit. my current favorite novel series is a song of ice and fire. aka game of thrones lol. its really good... i just love when authors build up a whole new world with so much detail and even a different way of speaking. genuinely the best. i have to say i think my favorite character is.....maybe Yoren or...the hound. i like most of the males in general, the women are questionable. arya is decent but sometimes she is annoying lol, but shes a kid so its expected. however sansa....................fuck her. lol. literally an idiot and annoying as hell i hope she blames herself for everything. [imnot an incel the women that have been introduced r just genuinely super dislikeable ]

but osha... she is my gf.

anyways. ive also been playing a few games. rdr2, yume nikki, lobotomy corporation, sims 4, ffxiv, corpse party. i want song of saya just cus i love really grotesque games and its a visual novel.!

I definitely recommend rdr2 tho, and just about every game i listed as well. theyre all amazing and really interesting, though a little stressful. but what good is life without a bit of stress lol.