The True Story of Multiverse

Kicks Condor

Before the beginning, we made a wish for a more expressive web. This is the tale of purple desert designs 🌵, silent HTML livestreams, MacPaint toolbars, Mario Kart-inspired JavaScript and our household gaudy drop shadows.

This is Multiverse — a constellation of internet corners, a micro-blogging network

.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·

Semi-translucent, fogged-up styles - achieved by dropping a light-colored shadow with a rather heavy blur on it - but leaving the box layer above the shadow almost clear - but with a subtle gradient to it.

It’s like having a toolbox like Microsoft Paint as you create a corner for yourself on the internet. You can color your voice with your personality, rather than having it flattened out by technology giants. This is the kind of remixes that get us energised.


.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·

The web has sort of converged on a color called ‘gwalb’ - gray with a little blue.

Kicks Condor

Neutral colors. In case you have to sell the place.

.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·

Multiverse is a place for networked, casual thinking and pondering, with colored frames. Some of us use it to journal about our days, some of us use it to think and share something that’s on our mind, some of us use it to collect information and images on a monthly basis, and some of us use it to tell a story that’s slightly visual and slow paced.

.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·

Side note: you can also step aside to get on a slight tangent, nerd out on a rabbit hole, then go back to the original conversation. Whether it's a group conversation or a monologue, express them in hypertext and with multi-media (down the line) - and when you’re done, this becomes a hyperlinked blog post of some sort, with a beginning, an ending, and a title maybe - could be interesting. Ahh, I’m explaining too much - it is just an attempt to branch off on the hyperconversation game.

Kicks Condor

Energised to do Multiverse! Our project together - an audacious attempt to reshape blogging, to see where it can go next!

Podcasts and video have really taken over - to the extent that it feels like reading may be falling behind. Can we enhance text and imagery on the Web? Try to give blogging new life?


.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·

Isn't there still much to learn/take/paste over from comic/collages - to invade HTML with cutting up the edges, taping things all over, writing under and over?

Kicks Condor

I'm just going to say here that - if you want to see Weiwei's original comic logs - look at these.

Bc she basically said to me, ‘wanna make a comic log designer?’ an I was like, ‘very yes’. That's the whole story.

.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·

Loved your hypertext 2020 too, kicks!!

Kicks Condor

Fun to look back at these links. Like primitive Multiverses.

Maybe it becomes its own now...

.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·

We are so inspired by the fun we feel when customizing our cars in Mario Kart or drawing with mouse cursors in Figma - creating things can be so much fun! But writing text can feel so dry and heavy. We want to make your Multiverse posts really stand out. Maybe you will want to take a picture of them!

..·: kaylen

Hey y’all, Kaylen here, I’m a friend that hangs out often in-between places... I don't know where. Just stopping by

Kicks Condor

Ah Kaylen! Yes - our great friennnnd!


Kicks Condor

Wait - remind me... Kaylen is 'inside' of Multiverse??

Interdimensional JavaScript being?? Of a kind

.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·

I think she’s in the JavaScript(!) It’s also a Multiverse - so she’s in many JavaScripts and places, or, in the clouds ☁️ too. Could she be... anywhere, everywhere, anytime..!?

Kicks Condor

It’s really great that she’s here to ask questions - because otherwise are convincing no one right now.

.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·

Yayo. Okie, we should get back to the blogchat, kicks. ^___^

.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·


..·: kaylen

Yoooo what kinda place we at?

.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·

Oh a place for all of us

Kicks Condor

We don't know yet. We're here now... so that's good. It's colorful!

(Wait, glitchyowl! What do we say here??? 😰)

.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·

I would say~

If you like the idea of journaling and capturing flow of your thoughts, this is for you~

If you are wishing for more room for expression online, this is for you~

If you enjoy writing and sharing casually and occasionally seriously, this is for you~

If you think and work with a constellation of



moving pictures

this is for you~

If you are looking to stroll around online, and surf some web, this is for you~

Kicks Condor

If you like reading ‘about’ pages, then this ‘about’ page is for you~

.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·

If you want to show off your favorite pokemon collections, this is for you~

..·: kaylen

I like this chat, I like to hang out. I like to fly!

I don't know what I have to say. Of important things.

Don't know bout that.

.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·

You have things to say, Kaylen :3
I feel that we all have a desire to express~
Whenever you are ready, i can’t wait to be soaked in what you are thinking and feeling~*

Kicks Condor

Well and there are aesthetic choices too - it's not all rattling off intellectual hits, Kaylen.

The designs you make can say things, maybe deep things

..·: kaylen

Oh I like this

[pikachu charging image]

.·: glitchyowl ·:☽✧·

Ayyy that's one I use

only part of the story

so much left to be told