Kicks Condor








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Felt inspired to mess with boxes after seeing the one Bosun made.

Also i like the effect from ☽Quinncy☽




What a small post 'Hot Day' was but it has such grand effect

There are some pleasant [unintended] things about box creation.

For instance, the box for this post uses the weaved pattern as a 'highlight'

But the highlight is given a blur

Which is technically supposed to be on the edges, but which actually blurs the whole pattern into a striped pattern (one that is a but more subtle than the normal stripes)

Apologies this post is a mess

lol hero - 'the adventures of mark twain'

doesn't mark twain grow really big in that

there's something haunted about it

Unfulfilling Message #1

Wherein you all receive credit for writing the ongoing story of Multiverse without us

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Stunning that a year has passed since my last news here.

How could it be? How I've MISSED these sweet boxes...!!

Okay well. Just going to repost what I left in the Outer Web Discord:

Hey there, Outer Web friends - anyone still clinging to the hope that there would be a message here again one day. Thank you for your vigilance. 🕯️

I can't speak for Weiwei - I know she had moved on to other projects some time ago. I went through a personal shake up that caused me to move, take on different jobs, to basically throw off my routine. Multiverse was launched during a time when Weiwei and I were both locked up inside and could kill time pursuing a dream. It was a beautiful time - collaborating over scrapchat and ripping through prototypes and designs until it became what you see today. I wish I could have seen what Multiverse would have been if we could have both pursued it with our full energy. Nevertheless - it has been amazing to see the posts that everyone has made over that time. 🥰 To see that Soleil still posts evocative poetry - to see Moonie or Veronica's elaborate collages - or the surprising box designs by incantetem.

It is SO nice to see that our work fell in with an appreciative crowd!! Anyway - I'm not here to say that Multiverse (or Fraidycat) is shutting down. I still want to find a path for them. (Though I will say that I simply cannot do Multiverse without Weiwei - I hope you understand that I will not do anything with the site without her guidance!) For me, it's just a matter of having too many open projects to chew on at the moment. It is time to pare things down to an achievable amount.

Perhaps having no plan is worse than shutting down. But I at least wanted to let you know that there's still a pulse out there - and that I am thankful for everyone who offered us help and encouragement here.

TL;DR: Multiverse is not shutting down.

And I am working on a plan.

There are many things that need to be improved:

💮 Some users need their accounts disabled. For too long they have not had responses.

🎴 The landing page needs to be redone - Weiwei had wanted the 'home' feed moved there and reformatted.

💠 We need better tools for managing your account and posts.

That is all for now. Please have a pleasant stay and feel free to voice your personal complaints or inspiration for Multiverse!

- kicks


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Apologies for some Multiverse issues today

I am making some updates - uneventful things like ensuring that you can rename or delete (or disable) your account if you need to

Weiwei and I are both so happy to still see the continued activity

With the renewed activity, I will be highlighting posts again

That's all for now - I am watching baby keem vids while I fix - I hope that's ok

we're not really in rollie gang tho

Not Switching

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I'm sure this is a bit weird if you're reading there - or on the RSS feed - because it's one huge image.

But this is an issue with RSS - it's difficult to know how your nicely designed post will look in any given browser

If you are reading this from Multiverse, well - here's a pic of my blog - I like it! It's my special PLAYTHING!

This is a post I wrote on Multiverse and crossposted to my blog

But there is also a link above to the original hypertext if you need it

For a few months I wondered: "Will I switch my blog to Multiverse once it's done?"

But now I see

No need!

Multiverse posts - based on Weiwei's 'comic logs' - are utter maximalism! They can be dense with glitter and rabbit stickers.

And it's not that I don't want my blog to be this way - I find it to be quicker and more expressive to dump thoughts and styles into posts like this one

But I think I like the idea of moving between formats - sometimes pasting together a comic

And other times keeping it to a minimal bit of hypertext

Doing this sacrifices the 'network effect' of Multiverse

Imagine future tools even beyond this

Perhaps styled posts could one day become more widespread

Using the tool when it makes sense

Rather than needing to jump ship from your existing blog or wiki or social site

But whatever - the thing that's really enticing to me is offering a tool for blogging that augments what you're already doing

But that is a short-term vision

The Web is the long-term vision

If we can strengthen it and make it more varied and full

Perhaps it will live on!

Perhaps one day styled posts could be embedded nicely in feeds - no one cares yet

if it is fluid to cross networks, then you can drop off a network quite easily

A Gentle Update

The little composer adjustments previously alluded to

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Hi all - ok, the latest updates are rolled out!

Yeah just editing this post is so much nicer - fewer of the bugs that were causing selection and typing to be off. Feels tighter. Is tighter!

No real reason for the Steven Universe stickers - except that I've been watching it for a second time and it's the best.

I actually started watching Rick & Morty bc a friend said I should - but it felt like a lot of the same humor you can get from Family Guy or South Park - I didn't make it far :(

Nothing against that kind of humor - but Steven Universe has a unique, restrained humor that somehow ends up being funnier to me.

There are also a lot of tablet fixes! Dragging and resizing should work better!

Although it's still going to need some work - perhaps one day I'll write these posts on a tablet - but needs pinch-and-zoom.

I did enjoy the 'gears wars' guy in Rick and Morty tho

Dragging images and text over is actually working as well on mobile

It's funny how much of this work has already been laid out nicely by glitchyowl in the past and I'm just now catching up with how it should work

Which is a recurring theme

See - look how nicely this is all laid out for me!

There is also a fix to the RSS feeds for the different pages - so that highlighted posts will be organized by when we repost them rather than when YOU originally post them


But worth mentioning

- kicks & glitchyowl

Small Updates Rolling Around

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You all on fire around here.

Glitchyowl and I pass links to all these posts and just marvel - monochrome magic from lie and massive art dump from local anomaly, so much inspiration

Making some composer tweaks to fix the bugs

Changing your username is coming with the next batch. Probably the number one frustration for people at the moment.

Bigger plans in the future - just not ready to push em up yet

Totally understand - want you to have the names you want.

Been an eventful summer - even glitchy o and I haven't had much time to talk

But finding more time now - also have two live scrapchats in the works for September.

From here:

Oh just want to say that Multiverse was originally glitchyowl's concept - she pulled me aside to explain it - and the name was hers and all that. We're straight-up 50/50 on creating this thing - both pouring time and thoughts and endless chats into it.

I imagine there's some confusion about that - but no way I could have done all of this - don't even look at it as 'mine' - more just stunned that I got to help!

We are so 50/50 that we just co-sign all these posts as one. On Multiverse, our pronoun is 'we'.

- kicks & gitchyowl

(¬‿¬ )

(¬‿¬ )

(¬‿¬ )

( ◕▿◕ )

Love the sweet sentiments here

What Waluigi Does to Us

Memories of a Chat #1

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Some of you may know about a certain Waluigi chat from a few days ago.


There's also another image I will post in a second to prevent excessive arousal.

Yes, such a thing is now possible.

Here is that... other picture I mentioned. 🥵


Now that some time has passed and I have been able to contain myself - I have revisited that chat, looking for answers, trying to understand myself and my own relationship to Waluigi's body.

It got bad - and I probably shouldn't be talking about it here.

Especially not when we're trying to get more Multiverse users!

Most people know you can't talk about Waluigi's ass and expect to get more Multiverse users.


These are my cherished memories of a very special moment in chat.


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Ok I'm testing a font fix - that was causing differences between the composer and the final post.

Corsiva has been an issue.

Crimson Text same thing

Kinda lookin ok now!

Different issues with Verdana, but still worth testing.

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Yes, this is an invisible box again.

However, I'm not just here to discuss invisible boxes.

Also just testing to see.

Since there's been an issue.

With posts that have no group.

And this one has no group :(

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Kind of funny that we've been talking about offering invisible boxes

And they were already possible

You just don't know where the edge is

When you're writing

Need to figure out a way to make a really funny post bc this image seems so forced right now


If you design the comic log using a frame with a border


You can toggle to the invisible one at the last second!

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Okay getting inspiration from ˗ˏˋ wakest ˎˊ˗

Also fixed that bug with the shadows and highlights getting clipped on the name tag

I honestly thought we'd already explored 𝖜𝖊𝖎𝖗𝖉 𝖋𝖗𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖘

now i see there is a long ways to go

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that blended gradient for a backdrop is smooooth!

love seeing when a frame breaks the mold


i am on it

i realize i'm not supposed to look in here but ehhh jasonshen's blurred stripes down there are hawt

huh's understated box even

like i never knew how to use thick borders but this is giving off ideas...

Outer Web Subcultures

Actually this isn’t a good post at all about web subcultures

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Seven years ago, when I started a blog, it was the worst time to start a blog. No one read blogs any longer - not through readers, not through feeds - a blog was not in any of the feeds that people were reading at the time.

Now - there are a wealth of blogs once again (not just recipe blogs and stock advisors) - and many classic blogs started back up - such as Waxy and 'Web Curios'.

Lol @salmysaur: "all we need is a simulated dialup"

Not only that - but there are a wealth of subcultures on the Web now - just thought I'd list out a few. Maybe there's something out there for you?

Old Timey Blogosphere

This post was also 'composed' live on stream June 23rd. Going to throw comments and asides from the stream in this color box.


In fact, chat took over this post - so going to just go straight into the questions here in the CENTER OF THE POST

Gemini / Gopher

simonpanrucker: I was curious about what your current plans are for multiverse, like what are your next things you're most excited to try out with it?

Eyyy, simon!! Love you so much hahah - seriously good to hang in text realms with you :}

So we have some secret plans that will be arriving soon - we don't want to build hype for something - just drop it when it's ready.

But we have some new toolbar objects - 'components' - this area -> I'm very excited to add YouTube / Soundcloud ofc - but we have plans for new types of controls that are unique to Multiverse.

BTW this song is on Graham Kartna's new album "TMP2" - check out the whole thing on YouTube - very ramshackle.

At this point, arrives from the dentist!

Ayy wuz! This is the best <3 to be typin live - ty for all the g8 stuff you've been sharing.

We also have some basic things that have been overlooked - like Markdown input - we want the text component to work much like Discord. Emoji selector. LINKS. @-style mentions.

Oh and we'll be offering a special way of linking to someone's Multiverse post - by showing a limited preview of the post instead of just a link. And it can be expanded directly from the original post.

Neocities / Shrine Keepers

Personal Directory Crowd

so this is a 'scrapchat' - i mean who knows what to call anything any more - the 'blogchat' on the home page is much like this - but can be done over time. So each user adds to the post over time.

Does that make sense at all?

simonpanrucker: I was thinking something like it would be cool to make an account that's like "MULTIVERSE TOPICBOT" that gives a topic every month and everyone who creates a post based on that topic or title will be added to the topic post, liike a zine yeh - so this linking thing would be amazing for that!

Part of the goal there is to give you a good way to make a 'zine' of posts - or of friend's posts - by having a master post that is a table of contents. Or just chaining posts together.

Public Self-Modelers

Digital Gardens / Zettelkasten

kvnk humdrum asks if this is a blogchat??

Point is made that 'yesterweb' has zines and post chaining - we are 100% happy to say you were there FIRST. :]

mayadotland: one thing I've been thinking about is how forms of web stuff demand or are hostile to timeliness. anil dash talks about the web like feeds are its highest form, but a lot of the neocities This Is My Page or the self modelers' wikis resist that with gusto.

@wuz - what do you mean by 'headers' in text?

We think a lot about this! We're hoping that Multiverse posts can become formidable creations on their own - such that they will be revisited over time, rather than just being a blog post that passes by in an instant.

I think, for us, it's about giving you enough tools to use - and encouraging investment of time into posts. If you have any ideas how to encourage that - this is part of the discussion we're always having.

@wuz - what do you mean by 'headers' in text?

This playlist is built by personally listing to all of SoundCloud from front to back :) I'm a junkie.

Public Self-Modelers

Public Self-Modelers

Maybe next time I'll get around to actually writing about the topic at hand.



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Just designing boxes that are not to be looked at.

And browsing with wonder in my heart.

Like the amazing garden log. And bookshelf!

Need 2 make these linkable!

XD it's all right there

Safari's Full Coat of Paint

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On Discord, someone shared these screenshots of pages in the new Safari - with the tab bar blending into the pages.

Seems really great for this particular 'whole page' look!

The only thing - wish I could have images crossover under the tabs. Like a sticker pattern that the tabs could just float on top of.

Full video is here. (Or text summary here.)

The discussion about the new tab bar at 12:30 makes me very glad that Multiverse's menu is at the top...

Subtle Padding Changes

Yes, this makes for QUALITY multiversal news!

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We are so happy to bring you another box of haphazard news pixels.

Hopefully this is good timing in your life. If not, please don't read any of this. 😢

One issue was causing some corrupted (somewhat) images, which often led to missing stuff when exporting to an image.

We are mostly refining - lots of recent work in Safari.

We want text, images and these exports to be solid for you so we can safely move along to the next things.

ε=ε=┌( >_<)┘

You can now follow any person or group in your RSS reader - still need to make one for the /home page tho. ('All' activity;)

Highlights is a great page to keep up with once we launch!

We really want to get away from the 'walled garden' approach of so much of social media and to take the OPPOSITE approach with Multiverse!

And I think you can already see it - we want to give you all kinds of ways to export, import, syndicate and combine your creations here!

This is doesn't need to be groundbreaking - just a return to software as a tool for you. (Rather than the other way around.)

No need to screenshot this post to repost it somewhere. We've done that already for you.

We've had some great recent discussions on the 'outer web' discord on the topics of COMMENTS - and also FEED LAYOUT.

(Left.) A mockup of a possible magazine stack view of comic logs - a variation on /home - that Simon helped refine.

We are still looking for the right idea on these feeds.

Fortunately, giving you access to the RSS feeds means that you can choose to display posts however you want - in your own reader.


- kicks & weiwei

Okie - lots happening this month. (◕‿◕)

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but you wouldn't know it from this post

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or is it???

Not Just a Subreddit

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Additional groups and being able to create groups would be great. I'm thinking of both public and private Groups where only permissioned people can post and also open groups.

Okay, going to take a minute to write about 'groups' in Multiverse. This discussion has originated from kvnk's Multiverse Wishlist - here's the relevant part:

Weiwei asked for more thoughts - and these got posted to the Multiverse Discord ( if you're not already there) with some very important points:


The first thing that comes to mind is something along the lines of fiction/storytelling. I've tried to experiment a bit in that sense, but Anya's Nya would probably fit in that bucket as well and it would be cool to try to encourage more of that. Scrolling through what's already been made a lot seem to fit in two broad buckets: Personal and Technical. Your post on Daylogs and tinyfluff's on reading books feel Personal vs gndcloud's on Inky and Jack's on Moom, Minus, and Keyboard Maestro which lean Technical. I do worry that creating things too rigid limits what people might think of or wish to create so starting out I wouldn't want other people creating Groups. I like the way you've named and described The World I See and would want to encourage similar language across a few different groups to encourage more fluid thinking.

What are some groups that you wish to create and/or moderate - or is that a good way to think about it?

Okay! This is a really great discussion! The part about creating limits that are too rigid - and the part about encouraging fluid thinking - these are super-important discussions to Weiwei and myself! We have probably talked about this topic more than almost anything else.



The vast majority of groups on the Web are formed around topics. Even hashtags, which can be arbitrary phrases of any kind, are anchored around the essence of that word or acronym.

One group that has recently influenced me a lot is 'The Public Self-Modelers' - a loose group of wikis gathered around

The gateway into this group is not a shared topic - it is the format.

The other key wikis in the group are not focused on philosophy or morality - they all write about their own personal interests - video games, Internet culture, letterboxing (in the case of Sphygmus, pictured)...

While there are some topics that overlap, the group shares a desire to explore the personal wiki format. And they closely follow (and learn) from each other's *style* of communicating! Their bond lies in exploring the medium together - and the topics themselves are secondary.

Yes - this does lead to a lot of 'meta' discussions. But hey - those are fun too!

the public self-modelers saw h0p3's wiki - they saw his conventions and his style - and THAT'S what they adopted.

And this isn't immaterial - his style and his conventions are a digital reflection of him - so they may have connected more deeply initially with him (his identity, his voice) than perhaps if they were connecting with a topic he was writing about.

This all feels similar to TikTok 'duets' - where the format, the style, the convention brings people together - to discover each other.

And - since Multiverse is a very style-driven format - with a focus on having a frame and a comic log style that reflects your identity and your voice - there may be a similar dynamic in play.

Take 'Nya' - what group does this go in?

I hope to god that it's a group I belong to!

But - will it be?

One of our thoughts has been - if the site is people-focused - so everyone has unique frame styles that identify them, they have their own layouts and profile pages (coming sooon 😜) - and you feel like you are collecting people as you work within its network...

Then it could be through those people that you discover more people - and the unique format assists this by allowing you to connect with people who are also styling frames and hacking the format - so that you can appreciate what they're doing, even without connecting with their topic!

And, hopefully, without there needing to even be a 'topic' in many cases!!

... 'rigid limits' vs. 'fluid thinking' ...



The aesthetic may symbolize topics or concrete ideas - like solarpunk is a symbol of a lush, hopeful future

It is effortless to immerse yourself in solarpunk and be in a new community suddenly

It's really cool to see different styles of comic logs emerge - and it's possible that people may connect based on the formats that get carved out

This is already a dynamic on the Internet - especially with something like 'vaporwave' or 'solarpunk'

The aesthetic can carve new alleys

Here I am thinking of 'topical' groups - such as knitting groups, Apple fans, Splatoon players - an activity or interest.

But more importantly - what kinds of groups do NOT exist??

However, now that you've got Billie Eilish subreddits and hash tags and Facebook groups - is there a need for more Billie Eilish groups? Well - sure! But will you discover anyone new in the process?

It's also incredibly easy to both create and find these groups!

There's nothing wrong with this - certainly you can find great art and community by joining a subreddit or following a hashtag

210417 - Carpe Diem: table disco and packing

210418 - Carpe Diem: a very miscellaneous day

comic essays like this one

image grids




which is something we hadn't considered in the least!

This isn't to say that topic-based groups or ad-hoc groups, private groups, hashtags - who knows! - won't be a part of Multiverse

A starting place tho - for the moment - appears to be a cluster of groups that are centered around:

- a specific comic log style (like those listed above: mini-zines, comic essays)

- very open 'mood' topics - such as 'letters to self' or 'things i treasure'

Who knows what other styles and moods may emerge from Multiverse and evolve into their own groups

So we will be adding more groups over the next little while along these lines.

Let me also just add that this is an area of personal study for me as well - as I've been covering recent developments around personal directories on my blog - on posts like Foundations of a Tiny Directory and in experiments like my Href Hunt series.

The underlying idea in that work is that the Web has relied way too much on algorithms (recommendation engines and search ranking) to find cool shit - which can pale in comparison to even a personal list of links from a human who is curating - like getting a book recommendation from a friend who has amazing taste (in your view).

Weiwei did a ton of study on how groups (and discovery) work in a variety of apps and networks - most of these ideas below originate from her - and we devoted several weeks to chatting about 'discovery'. How people will find each other - how readers will find comic log creators that they might be interested in - how writers will find groups that appreciate them, etc.

So this post is mostly just distilling a small part of those chats.

Perhaps new kinds of groups that don't yet exist?

This Week in 'My Documents'

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We will have a place for roundups at some point. For now, I'll just drop this here.

Emotions are high - even in the thesaurus community.

I saw this image on a thesaurus site or something

this week

stuff found in

This is a picture I drew of two friends.

Just sitting in My Documents folder.

A picture of the miniature library in my nightstand.

I know Salinger is out of style - but Iris Murdoch's "Under the Net" is truly phenomenal.

Okay this is a screengrab of a mod I am working on for Tabletop Simulator 😊

It is a hand-drawn version of a Japanese game called Scout!

A knockoff of the original

It's a ladder-climbing game (like Scum or Tichu) but cards can be upside-down or right-side up - so it adds a nice extra decision

This wasn't in 'My Documents' but I also liked this article that has been going around.

A Very 90s Death: The Tamagotchi Cemetery

In 1996, Japanese toy designers Aki Maita and Yokoi Akihiro debuted the first ever Tamagotchi.

I particularly appreciate that it links to an old Tamagotchi graveyard site on Tripod.

Some pictures of this website are now in 'My Documents' folder - so this has been a fruitful experience.

My Documents

Seagull Nonsense

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"Unda da sea" skin

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the winter soldier is an overserious wanker and it will end his career unceremoniously that's all. unda da sea!

Acid Wash Circuit Board

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the power of user customization betrays us

Multiverse Quivers and Shakes

Updates for the first half of April - groups, auto-save, getting organized

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A packet of Multiverse changes has arrived for you today 📨

First up - a reorganized view of your personal posts

Folders for 'published', 'unlisted', 'private' and 'draft' posts - organized by last edit

A post's address isn't final until you finish the draft

Posts now auto-save while you edit them - even new posts that you are drafting

Also notice that the address bar will change as you edit the title of the post - reflecting the final URL for the post

The 'share' menu on every post also will now let you share images (for emailing or posting to chat)

SVG export is for embedding in your blog - to give you selectable text. (And links - once we bring those back.) 😇

(As a hack right now - you can copy and paste hypertext from elsewhere and dump it in a textbox. Multiverse does some HTML cleanup - but it should be fine.)

Oh btw - need an invite to the Discord?

Oh and check out our new groups!

We're starting out with three groups for sharing your comic logs

Don't be shy posting to our 'dont look at this' group! It's a trashcan - put messy experiments you want in there. NO ONE WILL LOOK AT IT

Post your worst frame styles, my friends - do your worst

More on its way this week

We love seeing what you do in Mv

- kicks & weiwei

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ahh the ole aol

how's it look?




Wondering if anyone is out there!

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Hi, this is my first somewhat long post to Multiverse. I don't really know what to say - it's difficult to be interesting in a forced test post! But I will try. (Even if trying to be interesting is the worst idea in the world.)


Sweet - that felt good. Words are actually pretty easy once you get used to them!!