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 SACRAMENTO, CA, April 22, 2023 /24-7PressRelease/ -- The platform is a take on Geocities and Angelfire style websites formatted to be like a late 1990's-early 2000's version of Twitter, Tumblr, Myspace, Facebook and Discord. It is a niche social media platform meant for those interested in retro tech and art from the timeframe. This is a great place to do memes that would not work on other social media outlets due to the direction and culture of the platform like political rantings and the toxic nature of the outlet not related to the Multiverse.The Multiverse looks forward to continuing to provide a platform for users to express themselves and share ideas with the world plus showing users the best social media you cannot find anywhere else.

About was founded by Kicks Condor, Kaylen and Glitchy Owl as a microblogging network.

Pro Germ-Line Gene Therapy

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Gene therapy is a highly controversial topic and there are reasons why people are either for or against it. All of us carry defective genes and may not know it. Gene therapy is a route to tackle the fundamental biological cause of the disorder: the faulty gene being replaced by a healthy gene. Genes are the fundamental physical and functional unit of heredity. Each genetic makeup of a person is unique and this is what makes us different from one another. A mutation in any one of these genes can result in a disease, physical disability or shortened life span. These mutations can be passed from one generation to another. With germ-line gene therapy, the inherited diseases or physical conditions due to these mutations could be eliminated. Germ-line therapy should be practiced despite the ethical claims, because it is a long-term solution to save the future generations from dealing with the defective gene pool.

Gene therapy is an experimental form of treatment that uses gene transfer into the cell of a patient to cure the disease. The two types of gene therapy are somatic cell gene therapy and germ-line gene therapy. To differentiate these two gene therapies, somatic cells do not transmit genetic information to succeeding generations, while germ-line cells provide genetic information to offspring, as well as to the future generations descended from those offspring. Gene therapies can work by replacing a disease-causing gene with a healthy copy of the gene and inactivating a disease-causing gene that is not functioning properly. The idea is to modify the genetic information

of the cell of the patient that is responsible for a disease, and then return that cell to normal conditions.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, the definition of gene therapy is “to modify or manipulate the expression of a gene, to alter the biological properties or to alter the biological properties of living cells for therapeutic use. (FDA, 2021).” Somatic cell gene therapy is ethically less controversial of the two therapies, because the treated defective gene does not pass down to the future generations. It is safe for management of disorders in human beings. Any modifications and effects are restricted to the subject and not all the future generations. That is why somatic cell gene therapy does not raise ethical concerns.

Although somatic cell gene therapy is a good treatment for specific genetic defects, one disadvantage of using this type of gene therapy is repeating the treatment for every future generation. According to Leroy Walters and Julie Gage Palmer in an article called Germ-Line Gene Therapy, the disadvantage of somatic cell therapy would be prolonging a defect. Examples used in the article were Sickle cell and cystic fibrosis and the article states:

If somatic gene therapy is employed in significant numbers of people afflicted with recessive genetic diseases, some of those people’s somatic cells will be

able to function normally, but their reproductive cells will remain unchanged, thus assuring they will be carriers of genetic disease to the next generation.”

(Palmer, 637)

Using somatic gene therapy is beneficial in the short term and the benefits may not last beyond one generation, because the treatment has to be reapplied. The removal of the defective gene does not treat all future generations. Somatic cell gene therapy is a temporary relief, while

germ-line gene therapy has a promise to permanently remove the gene disorder safely and effectively in every future generation. The benefits of germ-line gene therapy far much outweigh the ethical concerns.

Ethicists consider germ-line gene therapy inappropriate, because it would violate the rights of the future generations to inherit an altered gene. Germ-line gene therapy has the potential for preventing inherited diseases. However, this approach is controversial because it does not simply affect the patient, but impacts the descendants of the patient. If all specific dominant genetic disorder were to be eliminated, that single dominant gene would also disappear.

Germ-line gene therapy has the potential to wipe out genetic disorders before they start and eliminate pain and suffering for the future generation. The widespread use of germ-line gene therapy to eradicate disease genes means that any beneficial traits associated with those particular genes would also disappear. It may be applied to prevent defects and ensure that the root cause of disorder is removed, rather than only easing the symptoms. It will enable the patients to be free of the defective gene and the possibility to be cured of the disease completely. The patient will have a chance to enjoy life once the process is successful.

Preventing the gene disorders into the future generations is one of the advantages of using germ-line gene therapy. With the use of germ-line therapy, somatic-cell therapies will no longer be needed and the chance of children and their right to be born healthy without genetic burden will become a reality. With the effective germ-line gene therapy, the cure will permanently eliminate the genetic diseases. Germ-line gene therapy will be more effective than the somatic-cell gene therapy, because its effects are not limited to the actual subjects being treated. All of their offspring will be free from the genetic condition treated with germ-line gene therapy.

Walter and Page mentioned that gap between the rich and the poor will be widened if germ-line gene therapy is approved. The article states, “However, if enhancement interventions were safe and efficacious, the long-term effect of such germ-line intervention would probably be to exacerbate existing differences between the most-well-off and the least-well-off segments of society.” (642). Once germ-line gene therapy proved to be effective, safe, and available, then the health care insurance industry or tax payers would fund the life-saving procedure to make it equitable for all, because it is cheaper in the long run and more people will have access to the treatment. There are possibilities that the health care cost would be saved; lower the probability of carriers and those expressing a defect will reduce the need to repeat the treatments from somatic gene therapy. The advantages outweigh the drawbacks in this case once germ-line gene therapy gets FDA approved, then the treatment will be viable.

In conclusion, germ-line gene therapy holds promise as an effective treatment option for a variety of diseases at some point in the near future. Both somatic and germ-line gene therapy have their own advantages and disadvantages from the amount of treatment to be reapplied as in the case of somatic cell or the permanent solution that affects future generations as in the case of germ-line gene therapy. It enables the generation being treated to lead a healthy life.

Germ-cell gene therapy affects not only the actual persons treated, but also their offspring. Therefore, a single intervention might affect all future generations that share a common genetic heritage with the original patient. Besides, if germ-line gene therapy has the potential to remove a disease completely from the population, it will reduce or remove the long term healthcare costs of treating the disease extend beneficial effects to all. It will eliminate the need for health procedures, because many diseases are lifetime health issues.

Overall, the potential in germ-line gene therapy is greater than somatic cell gene therapy. If society learns to use the abilities of germ-line gene therapy appropriately, then its potentials will be of valuable use by offering patients therapeutic genes to treat, cure, and ultimately prevent a wide range of diseases that now plague mankind.

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Why does the right want safe spaces?

In 2023 Scott Adams of Dilbert and MAGA politician Marjorie Taylor Greene started whining

about having their own safe space for cult-like reasons. In Scott Adams case he was doing this

for racist reasons. Likewise Marjorie Taylor Greene ranted about safe spaces for a "National

Divorce Deal". However in practice that cannot happen because it's rife with segregationist

policies and resource allocation issues

The origins of "Safe Spaces"

The concept of safe spaces have their origins in the 2010's initially to protect certain historically

discriminated groups from retaliation like LGBT, Non-White, Non-Evangelical, Women, the

mentally disabled and others. This was to shield them during a tragic situation like bullying and

abuse. Another factor in all of this was to protect immunocompromised people from food

allergies and ones not vaccinated for non medical reasons.

This was brought up during the vaccine mandates of 2015-2016 timeframe when the State of

California passed SB277 and SB276 to stop non-medical exemptions to vaccines to prevent a

pandemic from taking place. Note at the time of the debate COVID-19 was not known at the

time but Measles was feared to be a candidate for a pandemic at the time due to the panic

about mercury in vaccines. The turning point when "Safe Spaces" changed it's meanings from protecting people from

retaliation and health to not agreeing with the cult leader took place during the 2020 elections

when voters compared Trump to Jim Jones during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was when

Hydroxychloroquine, disinfectants, Oleandrin and Ivermectin were hyped up by certain

politicians until discreditied by the FDA. In those examples voters suspected there was a

Kool-Aid type situation and that are mentally compromised are being exploited by the politicians.

The consequences are disastrous because it requires blind loyalty to the leader and never

question the motives. This is how we ended up with the current meaning for safe spaces. In this

example it means bowing down to Trump and Putin.

Scott Adams of Dilbert fame started out as an artist that did parodies of Silicon Valley culture in

the Dilbert comic strip from the 1990s to 2023. However in a 2023 rant he went on a tirade

about race and he cited a questionable political poll. In response the rant was about safe

spaces but in terms of very segregationist rantings about Black Americans. Major Newspaper

chains in response boycotted Adams for his rants and his syndication service cut ties with him

as a result. It was rife with stories where the Newspapers brought up stats of his home state of

California, racial diversity and income averages of Scott Adams neighborhood on why he ranted

about a Safe Space where there are no blacks in his neighborhood. Note San Jose Mercury

news mentioned that Pleasanton census stats as of 2020 given that Adams was living at the

time prior to Dilbert became boycotted. However, the stuff Adams proposed did happen over

centuries of structural racism in the United States so Adams could get his safe space. In

contrast the State of California is in the process of debating reparations for Structural Racism in

the state due to past decisions if this happened this could be the first state to really solve the issue of that. Then it won't go the way Scott Adams wants it to be even if he leaves California at

some point the rest of the United States will consider looking at California as a model to resolve

structural racism. Likewise Marjorie Taylor Greene proposed the same stuff but with the proposed idea In

Congress to have a "National Divorce". In this example it's rife with Putin Propaganda in the

context of the War in Ukraine. Her examples open up speculation on how president Vladimir

Putin of Russia would take over the United States given the Republican Party's connections to

Putin. Once more details came along it became rife with debates over how water rights, money,

social Services and defense would be allocated if the country really split up. Greene's rants

about a Safe Space became rife with speculation that a right wing utopia would be like

Jonestown, Guyana for Trump supporters. Also the fallout would resemble Jonestown but with

more victims in this utopia. That means all loyalty goes to the cult leader and they would have to

violate the conventional law to achieve their utopia in the process. That requires attacking

former supporters, whistleblowers, and the non-members with retaliation and death similar to

how former congressman Leo J Ryan died while rescuing victims from Jonestown in 1978. In

other words what MTG is saying about a safe space in a national divorce is rife with history on

how cults operated in the past. All in all, whenever the right says they want a safe space, watch

out and look at how cults of the past did. Also live with reality through the most manageable

means that are practical today. Utopia never works in real life.

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Bring Pro Korfball to the United States this sport its not the gender but those that have the mindset to win the game one way or another. In this case we want this sport to be more inclusive for those who are transgender. In Korfball the teams have some offense and defense units each have 2 women and 2 men for each unit. The Point is that if we want to mainstream korfball in the United States we need to test it in areas without an NBA Team. This is the way we can introduce a sport that is more inclusive to a Trans person.

So far sports in general have only assumed people are born as Straight, Gay or Lesbian but never considered a trans athlete as a reality or we have to find out about that after they retired. In able for Pro Korfball to succeed in the USA we need to look how the sport succeeded in places like the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and so on. Also we need to get some league executives to the USA and some investors to join in the formation of the league. 

Here are the cities we need to consider when forming a Korfball league: If it were to happen we need to aim for large cities without an NBA team for consideration.

West                  Central            East

Seattle               Austin             Pittsburgh

San Diego         Nashville        Jacksonville

Honolulu           Kansas City    Albany

Las Vegas           Cincinnati         Raleigh

Note this is a test run for now before we hit the larger cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington DC, Dallas, Houston, Boston and San Francisco. Also the league must address social issues in their respective cities for the league to show they are in touch with their community. All of this are proposals that need to be in concrete at some point.  Hope for the best if anybody wants to execute ideas in this proposal. 

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Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023!!! and hope for the Best.