(˶˃ᆺ˂˶) pixelmew



Blog 1

trying 2 get in tha habit of blogging! (0v0)

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heyy every1 !! itz pixelmew <33 today, im gna b blogging my day!!! i wanna start blogging so i remember wut i do daily hehe

sooo today im not at school bc i keep seein things n have to calm down... bleh

but!!this means i can listen to music n watch anime now muahahaha

and uhhhmmm... thatz all 4 now! love u guys... byebye! :3

intro <3


• Composed on

haiii :3 namez pixel! nice 2 meet u guyz! i'm gna b using this 4 my own crazy ramblings. im down 2 meet new ppl but im not all there so forgive me if im weird x3

i like: lain, cutecore, tumblr, webcore, crying, neocities, gaming, cryptids, metal, happy hardcore, manga, urbex, yanderes!!

i hate: liars, bad noise, babies, bigots, country music, mean ppl :(, cishets/hj, people watching me from my cams/mics

DNI: bigots, dsmp fans, anti yandere, anti MOGAI, anti irls, ppl who force recovery

plz keep in mind i deal with schizoaffective disorder, chronic depression, and tourettes. I have trouble with pplz bein mean 2 me :C