You Are Everything You See Around You

On the illusion of separation

• Composed on

I think so much of the suffering we experience can be traced to the illusion of separation perpetuated ad nauseum by this society and the way of life we have. Once you intimately realize and process the fact that you are everything you see around you, that you are not separate from anything, you can never un-see it.

You are unimaginably expansive, extending outward in every direction, extending inward to the innermost depths. You can never untangle yourself from the ecology of being.

The world we live in does its best to convince us that we are alone, separate, and disconnected from all else. It tries to convince us we are small. This technique is used to keep us miserable, stuck in a cycle of consumption that never leads to fulfillment. We create endless possibilities when we lean into the reality of our deep, abiding connectedness with all things. Leaning into our mutual interdependence strengths community and everyone's sense of wellbeing. We live through doing and being rather than having and possessing. We realize that the value of things can only be experienced through using it and sharing it rather than possessing it.

My highest wish for everyone is that their eyes open to this reality and they get to taste its sweetness.