Алексей Карамазов
The reader may imagine, perhaps, that my young man was sickly, exalted, an undersized (small), puny (thin), pale, and consumptive dreamer. Just the opposite was true: Alyosha was then the picture of health, a sturdy (strong), red-cheeked, clear-eyed nineteen-year-old boy. He was very handsome, too, and slender, above average height, with dark-brown hair, a regular although rather a long face, and shiny dark-gray wide-set eyes, which gave a thoughtful and serene (calm) look.
Иван Карамазов
First, Ivan is meant to represent a contemporary theologian and scholar — a modernist, beholden to other scholars, accountable. Men of this description generally wore short hair and did not usually show off a beard or extravagant facial features, which would have indicated age and respect.
Character of this kind would indicate a self-negating personality type that would lend itself to a modern, dapper style likely with a close or total shave, certainly conservative hair and none of the self-affirming grandiosity of a beard like some kind of mystic. Ivan’s general rationality would also lend him austerity in his self-care.
So far, we can presume Ivan is probably thin, dapper, and I get the impression he is wide-eyed, showing embarrassment and detailed emotion with an unburdened and uncovered face. Also, any change in his expression or even paleness is immediately apparent.
We learn that Ivan’s resting or natural face is meek. Whatever your conception of a signature “Karamazov” look, Ivan is probably thin, meek, large-eyed (especially as he is often near icons near the beginning of the book, which are meant to evoke observation), and nervously downtrodden in ways.
Дмитрий Карамазов
Mladý muž, střední výška, vypadá starší něž je, vypadá že má velkou sílu. Nezdravá tvář, výrazné oči (černé asi) , determinace, ale jeho oči stále jinde. (Gloomy eyes) Tmavé vlasy. Težké poznat co si myslí. Často naštvaný. Stylově oblíkaný, tophat, černé rukavice, knírek a vojenský krok