bloodborne stories

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I crave more Bloodborne-like literature while I'm waiting for EotV part 2 and 3 (which will take long -_-). Fanfics are all in English which makes them straining for me to read, I have horrible focusing problems with reading in my main language already, and with English it's much worse. (I sometimes try reading them auto-translated, but it's kind of horrible. And also, I want to read actual books in bed before sleeping.)

Additionally it's hard to find stories that fit exactly my taste. I dislike AUs and crossovers (except with Darkest Dungeon and Dark Souls/other soulsborne/fromsoft stuff). I dislike anything that's not focused on either specific details my brain obsesses over, or generally capture a certain grimdark atmosphere as well as the right tone.

I also remembered that there was supposed to be a netflix series about Bloodborne. And it was supposed to be romance. This sounds horrible to me, it still does even now that I'm a Gehrmaria shipper. I just have no belief in movies and series ever doing romance right, and also I don't think anyone except FromSoftware should make OFFICIAL PAID-FOR Bloodborne content because such obscure and complex lore requires deep understanding of the source and connections. Therefore, such a series would be a fanfic at best.... a fanfic that costs and is inaccessible. So for all these reasons I honestly hope it never comes out...