



hardy hardy hoo

i am super lesbians for my gf

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Some thoughts of this lovely evening is how this weekend is me and my gf's SIX MONTHS!!! I can't believe it guys I'm literally the happiest little camper in all of lesbianville :3 Fun fact before our relationship I just had an Instagram crush. You heard it here! Your delusionships will turn real! Source: snorin on multiverse.

This is the longest relationship I've been in and I've never been happier!!!! IM GEEKING!!!! ohhhh man I love my girlf I cant freaking wait to see them again (we're on facetime as I write this). Anyhoo my gf is awesome so I'm just going to keep gushing about them. Last Friday our school had a concert with student bands performing AND MY AWESOME GIRLFY PERFORMED! They were on vocals and bass for such awesome music and guys. I was SWOONING. I cant believe they like me honestly. Like they're a cool rockstar and i enjoy doing puzzles and crosswords :3

i think we compliment each other :D

if u want - keni titus ^this is our song :<)

real life photo of my gf

okay word

ok word

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Guys I'm realizing how I am literally a nerd and Idk how to feel...

like what do you MEAN I am on the DEBATE TEAM and taking CALCULUS? am I lame. because I fear. that I might be....

okay wait no I'm a baddie trust

ok I hope that I'm actually really cool and not weird and a loser

irls let me know




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My week has been jam packed! I went to UC Berkeley last weekend for a debate competition which WORE ME OUT! And I had to go back to school (ew) and catch up on work and I'm just a sleeeeeepy guy. I cannot for da life of me stay up past 10 pm. I feel like that hamster. Pic inserted below

Anyhoo. I told myself I'd stay up to catch up on work but I knock out at 10. My gf even told me to start hw early but I didn't listen! Because I thought I could do it! and then I texted them in the morning looking like the hamster like "Baefy I fell asleep :("


I also have another debate tournament this saturyay! It's state quals lets hope I'm awesome!

Side note I went to therapy yesterday and made my therapist cry SORRY :( I was telling a sad little anecdote and I think she was really feeling it. And then we listened to leith Ross together I LOVE MY THERAPIST she told me she was proud of me thx queen!

Ok bye -sorn