




thoughts about my gender identity

Just gender questioning in my life again

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For some time I'm kinda confused about my gender identity. As long as I remembered I was uncomfortable with my bological gender (which is woman) and for long time I was sure that my gender identity is genderfluid. However last time I've been feeling more agender and I don't feel like it could change soon.

Althoug I don't feel good right now

I believe i quickly get through it and it's gonna be

fine again. Just need some time to think deeply about it.

I'm still young an growing up (18 yo) so I'm just gonna wait and more think about it. Maybe I was wrong and I am agender or maybe it's just a phase and I was still genderfluid. I don't know but it makes me kinda tired that I'm still not sure who really am I.


let’s go

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i started finally playing touhou q(≧▽≦q)

I love the music, characters design and gameplay but I must say that, game is really hard for me. I set hard level to beginner and I alredy died several times ಥ_ಥ but I'm gonna

still trying hell yeah

Yeah, I downloaded the embodiment of scarlet devil

and I understand now why people love this series so much.

The gameplay is really nice, I was kinda scared that I'm

not gonna like this (#`-_ゝ-)

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I'm so tired of school (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)

New year's eve

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This is the last day of 2023 ┌(。Д。)┐

I wish all of you a happy new year and have fun!

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤️~

greetings from earth!

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hii again ( •̀ ω •́ )y

I want to introduce myself. I'm koiitan!

Your friendly alien that trying to be a human.

me \^o^/


- digital and traditional art

- animation making

- music making and genres

- 3d modeling

- making games and websites

This place will be my little blog where i will mostly post about my life and my art but i will try to make it interesting o(*°▽°*)o

That's all for now!

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) Bye~Bye~

name: koiitan

gender: genderfluid

sign: libra

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hii i'm just exploring for new interesting websites :v that one is pretty cool