and another thing

oh heres some more stuffif

• Composed on

actually im not sure how this works lolmao. sometimes i do art, as well............

thats my sona right there ------> playing a guitar, specifically the mojo chessmaster. do i know how to play a guitar? no. is it still cool? yeah

i also make gifs like the one over there <-------- thats from the music video of grinning like a barracuda by nick lutsko which is one of my favorite songs

hmmmm i dont have many other good art examples on my computer actually. i use my ipad to draw typically. ipad + apple pencil + procreate = dream setup. now if only apple products werent so easy 2 break..

it is very good. nick lutsko is good at music

"i pinched myself and pulled on my eyelids - am i really alive? is this some kind of maniacal virus? is there something that ive missed?"

if you want to contact me im dr. mojo chessmaster! ⚡🎸 #6962 on discord or bryce-lynch on tumblr or @netwrk23 on twitter. like stated previously i love friend-making so