it's a me, Owlcyclops




Random images and Gifs

Cause I don’t know what else to put here

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Like seriously I don't know what else to put here

an thing

just a little annoyance

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God i wish that I could do something here so that I could see where the images people put on there posts come from.

a Newbie walks into


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Hello, I am Owlcyclops and I am new in town. Date of Birth being March, 20, 1999

as a newbie I am gonna try out this site out of curiosity and to try to get some users of twitter to try out this place. I am a user of Pillowfort and thus have experience with smaller social media websites.

I also enjoy webcomics , video games and books a lot so that something people can talk to me about. I also have a few Neocites websites as well. I hope things here will be great.