Compost Site Log 004

Nurturing Spaces

• Composed on

I just got back from a trip to visit Lake Michigan. I saw this person enjoying the sunset and just had to snap a sneaky photo. I felt so one with them and the others interrupting their lives to just enjoy the beauty of a Lake Michigan sunset.

Recently, I was out at the compost site. I had arrived to dump new food scraps that I had collected from others. When I arrived, I saw that the previous fresh pile of compost dropoff had been moved and mixed into the actively decomposing piles. It left an empty, damp spot in the ground where it once stood. I and my other coworkers and those who had left the food scraps for us to collect had all been building this pile together. Now, it has been mixed in with the rest, leaving a space for the next beautiful stinky mountain to craft.

I was brought to tears.

At the beginning of the month I made a kombucha spell for nurturing spaces.

When I drink it, I feel the power that comes with taking care of those around me, especially when taking care of shared spaces. Today, I brought a wheelbarrow of hay over to the piles

( w e u s e i t t o c o v e r t h e f r e s h f o o d s c r a p s )

and I envisioned my coworkers coming out to the site later in need of it, and finding it there for their use. I felt the power of my kombuch spell coursing through me.

The importance of nurturing spaces extends to the internet, now more than ever before. I'm so thankful for people like those who made this website, and those who exist here. We're all so different, but we also have the same urge to queer up the spaces that are otherwise blandly designed to suit everyone, therefore no one.

after a week of walking through a local apple festival with my friends all weekend, I was greeted by some gourds at the compost site.

And finally... this is the storm cloud that washed over the farm this morning...

There's nothing else to be said, really. BYE!

I was brought to tears.

I was brought to tears.

( w e u s e i t t o c o v e r t h e f r e s h f o o d s c r a p s )

( w e u s e i t t o c o v e r t h e f r e s h f o o d s c r a p s )