

• Composed on

It's an animation series for children that speaks so deeply into me, a so-called adult.

I aspire to be like a kid, to be relentlessly curious.

I aspire to gain many beautiful traits that children have that we as adults don't.

The ability to dream unrestrictedly

to imagine

to simply allow ourselves experience emotions as they come

If I want to build a rocketship, I can.

If I want to laugh or cry, I can do so without thinking too much.

We learn, consume all the information and knowledge that apparently make us "more knowledgeable" but so many times children do things better

perhaps this is what they say unlearning is sometimes the hardest. To encounter my own weaknesses face to face is an art itself.

Just that egos in adults do not want adults to admit that.


I have been


So many of the lessons here apply into my real life. I learned that:

Karl, the 4-year-old kid, was expecting a toy to be gigantic and conquer the world with him. He was so disappointed when the toy was just palm-size.

Stillwater, the wise panda, taught him to change his perspective to appreciate what he has now.

This made me think of my own stories. How unrealistic my certain expectations were of others and of things. School, van, people, and society. But when I switch my perspective or have the ability to observe from afar. I begin to see reality better, so I realize I only have control over myself, of what I do.

Simplicity is one of those. It looks so easy but takes a lot of self discipline to achieve. All the characters in Stillwater has a unique tranquility, that I aspire to have.

2. everyone hold a unique nature. Be who you are confidently and unrestrictedly.

This is a life long practice and takes a lot of courage.

Addy and Michael were building a race car and Karl felt out of place because he couldn't help. He was upset and went to Stillwater. Stillwater taught him that everyone has their own nature, and to make the best use of that is the most important.

after watching it my mind is so calm like still water

1. dissatisfaction comes from the gap between expectations and reality, and our inability to change our perspective. This applies to things & people.

3. simplicity is the most perplex complexity.

It does not matter what one does - whatever industry, whatever position - some principles are universal. And to become excellent, it is important to hold onto the true qualities that make humans human and set that as the golden standard for one's self.