
boo, im new >///<

• Composed on

This is all so pretty and new<3. I can't wait to be active!! Sharing and formating things to my liking will feel so nice.

Time for introductions:

Refer to me as Mo or Mal :). I'm 17 {18 Sept. 8th} so I'd rather 16+ people interact with me.

I'm pansexual with a loving gf<8 and use she/they/them pronouns. Don't be shy use the other ones~

I like anime [obv.], kpop, food, reading, fashion, writing, art [painting, sketch, pastels, charcoal], nature, spirituality, animated shows, horror movies, makeup and more.

I love interacting, questions, comments, concerns+. If you like marvel my personal favorites are Miles Morales, Deadpool, Dr. Strange, and VENOM!! For DC: harley, redhood, constantine.

For content there will be things like QOTD, Fashion and Makeup Looks, Normal Blogs, and Random shit.

Hope to meet good people <33 - mo~