~going with the flow~

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Woke up to pretty low energy today. So I decided to go with the flow instead of anxiously trying to build up the energy/motivation to do my actual personal work.

I think it's better to go with the flow some days like this but don't let it consume you in a way. Finding a balance is key, it's making sure that I keep a low momentum of getting things done, but mostly matching the vibe of the day and how i'm feeling with chill activities.

So this day calls for just doing chill activities like drawing, reading and listening to some music. And for getting some things done I'm just going to complete some to-do's I haven't gotten around to doing this week... This is good to keep a sort of "productive" energy so I can build off of it little by little tomorrow. Still good to go outside in place of an exercise routine, to get some movement in. Also, making sure I don't get swept up in the "passiveness" of this day by reminding myself of my goals.

It's nice to know why exactly I'm mostly feeling like this, it's because i'm going through a period of change in my life. So this is kind of a transition, but also I'm using it to recenter and take a break. So it's OK.

I hope that anyone reading this, no matter how you are feeling gets to enjoy a fun activity today. And something good happens to you. :) <3