Re: life and code

Inner Universe

• Composed on

- how uploading a consciousness is or isnt immortality, or lengthened life span

Immortality by uploading my consciousness isn't absolute immortality.

I merely escape the limitations and bodily decay that exists as a result of my physical body made of meat, organs, skin, blood, sweat, piss and shit.

Uploading my consciousness into an object and it's existence or immortality now depends on the protection of that specific object, be it a server or a container that's powered by electricity, or anything else.

- what defines "you"? your consciousness, something else, a mixture?

- if i am not the me i was a year ago, am i the me i was a second ago?

Entropy devours everything.

This is the absolute law. Entropy can never be reversed.

A ball falls down, and needs an external lift to bring it back to it's original position.

Who I am is defined by everything that had led me to this exact moment.

I become a different person as I experience new things and I learn to see everything differently, no matter how slow the difference could be.

My memories play an important factor to define who I am, but my memories also depend on how I reconstruct my past, how well I can remember them, and how my opinions that had changed since then would influence it.

I may be a republican in the past, but I am a democrat now.

I forget important details in time, and I see that specific event in a different light.

The reason why the difference between the present me and the me from a second ago is insignificant is because I'm able to recall that me easily without forgetting any important details, and my opinions haven't changed much. The difference would be significant in case of a year.

- would you upload your consciousness? if you could?

I'd rather die lmao.

- would older people want to transfer consciousness as much as younger people?

I think younger people would want to do that more than older people, to experiment, seek thrills, and out of fear of death, aging, or being insignificant.