august journal 02


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was gonna post one more time before my camping trip but the site was broken again lol

skipped all the events i signed up for yesterday but i swear i'll go to the ones i chose for today... not just bc i'm trying to avoid someone

writing this from my new college dorm (i unpacked all my stuff on my first day so it already feels like home ft. old rug that was underneath my parents' bed and all my feintuch books). the 6 day farm service/backpacking trip was really nice! all the people i met were cool and hopefully i'll see them again in the future (skipped dinner with them yesterday to go back home for burritos... lol). got a not very busy week before classes start to figure out where everything is. food is even worse than usual level of college food since there's a worker strike so i'm mostly eating snacks in my room instead. i'm already getting anxious about everything but my dorm is really nice and pretty (spent the morning exploring as much of it as i could). the dorm library is right next to my room and has soooo many cool looking books. i made a list of all the libraries and dining halls and churches to check out over the next couple of semesters.

i signed up for a logh big bang event, so i guess that'll force me to draw at some point in the next couple of months. i drew a lot in my sketchbook during the camping trip (mostly just landscapes, but by the last day i had reverted to seafort). i've gotten good at endings, but i'm realizing i'm scared of beginnings too. before i left i read 9 books this month. i brought a mix of favorite books and ones i haven't read yet, but i feel bad reading when i should probably be out meeting people. at least i don't have to worry about running out of books. everyone says i won't have time to read once classes start, but i'll do my best.

after i read guildenstern and rosencrantz are dead, i read orson scott card's homophobic hamlet fanfiction in an attempt to put me off reading the rest of the ender's game series, but it was actually good. two of my friends are trying to get me into warhammer. played wuthering waves a bit before i left bc i miss spending hours on genshin but getting through the beginner part is a bit of a slog. on the first day of the camping trip, i outlined the essay i want to write about seafort's nicknames in my head as we hiked and then transferred it into my sketchbook. still unsure if i'll ever actually write it. my electric kettle has already proved it's worth in the barely a day i've been in the dorm. need to consolidate my reading list.
