It's Mother's Day

And I felt so many things

• Composed on

Then, college happened! They traveled to bay area with me, helped me settled into the dorm. And for the last few days they were there with me, I cried a lot. I really didn't want to be left in America all on my own.

Growing up, I didn't think I was particularly close to my mom, or my dad.

But, I suppose, we just did our own thing, a lot of the times.

Since then, we talked more. I'd video call her as I pull an all-nighter for projects. We'd chat about random stupid things I've encountered throughout the week.

( but maybe I was just always bored )

( I mean, look at this kid )

We were a pretty normal family. We'd have dinner at home on most nights. I spent a lot of my after school time at the playground and the basketball court. We had a family computer. My brother and I each had a Nintendo SP, etc.

Whenever I wanted to drop out of school, got frustrated with someone, we'd talk about it.

But, we would also fight.

And. Oh boy. Those are intense fights.

(I haven't finished writing here, so check back in a bit!)