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i don't really know how to start this but here we go. erm, today wasnt the best day ever, but it wasnt the worse, ig. i was having a pretty ok day until when i was at my locker, a kid (who i dont know that well but he's my friend's friend and sometimes he just around) shouts at me, 'youre a woman' (i am transmasc nonbinary and use they/them). i kinda sit there, and ignore him, hoping he was talking to someone else, but, no, course he wasn't. what's worse is when i turned around he was with my friend who was smiling and laughing at me. oog. doesn't really feel that good but i suck it up and just go to lunch because i am standing in the middle of a catholic school hallway with racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and probably a million other phobics and ists.

idk, im trying not to let it ruin my day, but dude i cannot wait to graduate.

uh, im almost finished with The Heartbreak Bakery, the main character is struggling and sad and its making me sad. im probably gonna make some more buttons for my bag... maybe like... QSMP or Lovejoy or Genloss buttons... that'd be nice. speaking of Generation Loss, i saw the announcement for the Founder's Cut which is coming super soon!! did anyone else see that? im super excited :D

i finished the sketches for the first four pages of my new comic, Heaven's Gate! It's not digital, and there isnt really a way for anyone to read it unless you know me irl, but maybe ill make a digital version when (if) i finish it.

i think that'll be it for now, i think ill show off some art of the Heaven's Gate characters if i feel so inclined.

see ya later, internet.