Thursday, March 25, 2021

Composed on

I either care very deeply about where stuff goes or I don't care at all. Sometimes I alternate between these conditions within minutes of each other. It's crazy-making.

Don't mind me, I'm just experimenting with the 'verse here today.

My wiki is much more interesting than my blog(s).

And here's another problem: I'm currently writing stuff in TiddlyWiki, Markdown, and Org mode. This means I have to keep three similar-but-different markup systems in my head. And worse, in my automations. How many "capture this page as a link" bookmarklets do I want to support? More crazy-making.

Soooo, I wrote " - brought to you by" less than a week ago and already I'm having second thoughts. is fine, but so limited. Maybe it just feels limited. I don't love any of the themes, and I don't really feel like digging into Hugo themes again, especially in a "foreign" environment rather than in a submodule/folder on my machine. Why is it that is also limiting, but feels much more mine? I don't know what the hell I want. Part of me wants to scrap the whole enterprise and just write everything here forever. We all know that will never happen. I have a feeling today is going to bring change, again.