Outer Web Subcultures

Actually this isn’t a good post at all about web subcultures

• Composed on

Seven years ago, when I started a blog, it was the worst time to start a blog. No one read blogs any longer - not through readers, not through feeds - a blog was not in any of the feeds that people were reading at the time.

Now - there are a wealth of blogs once again (not just recipe blogs and stock advisors) - and many classic blogs started back up - such as Waxy and 'Web Curios'.

Lol @salmysaur: "all we need is a simulated dialup"

Not only that - but there are a wealth of subcultures on the Web now - just thought I'd list out a few. Maybe there's something out there for you?

Old Timey Blogosphere

This post was also 'composed' live on stream June 23rd. Going to throw comments and asides from the stream in this color box.


In fact, chat took over this post - so going to just go straight into the questions here in the CENTER OF THE POST

Gemini / Gopher

simonpanrucker: I was curious about what your current plans are for multiverse, like what are your next things you're most excited to try out with it?

Eyyy, simon!! Love you so much hahah - seriously good to hang in text realms with you :}

So we have some secret plans that will be arriving soon - we don't want to build hype for something - just drop it when it's ready.

But we have some new toolbar objects - 'components' - this area -> I'm very excited to add YouTube / Soundcloud ofc - but we have plans for new types of controls that are unique to Multiverse.

BTW this song is on Graham Kartna's new album "TMP2" - check out the whole thing on YouTube - very ramshackle.

At this point, Maya.land arrives from the dentist!

Ayy wuz! This is the best <3 to be typin live - ty for all the g8 stuff you've been sharing.

We also have some basic things that have been overlooked - like Markdown input - we want the text component to work much like Discord. Emoji selector. LINKS. @-style mentions.

Oh and we'll be offering a special way of linking to someone's Multiverse post - by showing a limited preview of the post instead of just a link. And it can be expanded directly from the original post.

Neocities / Shrine Keepers

Personal Directory Crowd

so this is a 'scrapchat' - i mean who knows what to call anything any more - the 'blogchat' on the home page is much like this - but can be done over time. So each user adds to the post over time.

Does that make sense at all?

simonpanrucker: I was thinking something like it would be cool to make an account that's like "MULTIVERSE TOPICBOT" that gives a topic every month and everyone who creates a post based on that topic or title will be added to the topic post, liike a zine yeh - so this linking thing would be amazing for that!

Part of the goal there is to give you a good way to make a 'zine' of posts - or of friend's posts - by having a master post that is a table of contents. Or just chaining posts together.

Public Self-Modelers

Digital Gardens / Zettelkasten

kvnk humdrum asks if this is a blogchat??

Point is made that 'yesterweb' has zines and post chaining - we are 100% happy to say you were there FIRST. :]

mayadotland: one thing I've been thinking about is how forms of web stuff demand or are hostile to timeliness. anil dash talks about the web like feeds are its highest form, but a lot of the neocities This Is My Page or the self modelers' wikis resist that with gusto.

@wuz - what do you mean by 'headers' in text?

We think a lot about this! We're hoping that Multiverse posts can become formidable creations on their own - such that they will be revisited over time, rather than just being a blog post that passes by in an instant.

I think, for us, it's about giving you enough tools to use - and encouraging investment of time into posts. If you have any ideas how to encourage that - this is part of the discussion we're always having.

@wuz - what do you mean by 'headers' in text?

This playlist is built by personally listing to all of SoundCloud from front to back :) I'm a junkie.

Public Self-Modelers

Public Self-Modelers

Maybe next time I'll get around to actually writing about the topic at hand.