Just Pasting Today's Roam Note

A Test

• Composed on

Format from Roam pastes a bit odd over here.

I don't know this would ever be an actual use case for me, but it could be interesting.

So each parent bullet is it's own paragrah here and any child bullets come through as being part of the same paragraph (okay since this isn't an outliner, obviously,) but then no space is left between the period and first letter of the next sentence (or bullet) (not okay).

Been almost two weeks since I've touched this or Roam for any kind of note-taking...Assuming people who check around these parts mostly dropped off at this point, but I think I might be going back to Roam. I've been thinking a lot about over this time and miss it.Every time I see someone mention Obsidian vs Roam it's always "outliners are stupid for this type of thing, which makes obsidian better" and I'm always thinking I NEED the outliner. It makes things so easy and frictionless and I don't understand why people struggle to write in paragraphs in Roam. Like just do it.Price point still kills me though. But if I get this job that I'm in the middle of scheduling final interviews for next week, it won't be a problem.

First thing first though, I want to use my blog more and even more like may be I do here, but part of that will be creating a new RSS feed where not everything flows to micro.blog. Want it to be a bit more siloed like here or TiddlyWiki.Will still have the main posts and "important" (whatever that means) micro posts flow to RSS and micro.blog. But random thoughts won't go out to any feed.

Been playing a ton with both [[Multiverse]] and [[Kinopio]] today.Trying to figure out how I am going to use everything now that I am considering being back here for notes and such.Toying around with the idea of copying everything from a Roam day, pasting into Multiverse and playing around with it there to publish elsewhere.Just did that into a Kinopio Journal space. Not sure what the point would really be. I see Kinopio as a place when I have something in mind I want to tinker with. Where this is more free flowing random notes.

And I know logging everythign like my media diet might be dumb. But I love it and miss it.And Roam seems to be slowly getting better on mobile for easy logging.I considered Kinopio for this, but it's too much friction and not as good at looking stuff up. Although it is so much more fun to use.
