
Going through the motions

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I've experienced some huge changes in my life this year. It's kind of scary. It feels like everything's going by so quickly --I just want slow down and take a breather.

It's not as if I'm opposed to it, just take aback. I've always whined and complained about how my life is going nowhere or feeling "trapped" in my own home. Now, I have these opportunities opening up for me and I feel... so overwhelmed. Not in a negative way per say; more like getting use to my newfound freedom.

Yet somehow I came back to site posting on here like nothing. Whenever I'm on here it feels like talking with a friend mine. A friend I only see few times a week or month. Updating them on the current events of my life.

It's nice.

This site has become my saving grace. I feel like I can comfortably rant --express my thoughts without feeling weird or judged. Honestly I thought after I made my account; I'd just go on it a few times and eventually forget it even existed. Which, admittedly I did for about a few months (about a year?).