A Day In The Life...

wake up wake up! it’s tha first of tha month…

• Composed on

First period, american images: whenever i try to explain what this class is to anyone i simply just say: it's a photoshop class. and technically it is? but with american history incorporated?? idk. it doesn't matter. anyway, my teacher, out of the blue goes, "you guys want hot cocoa?" and gets these three girls (my opps but we won't talk about it here) to microwave water and hot cocoa mix....... it was buss lowkey :3c

Third period, women's history: we're back home! and by back home i mean (for context: my teacher recently left on maternity leave, thank god i hated her. also she named her baby something REALLY STUPID i wish i could say it but i won't. we have a sub until... march. some kid in this other history class... that has nothing to do with ours, broke his leg. since their class is in an upstairs building WE had to switch classrooms with them.) back to our normal classroom! our teacher revealed that he has a HOARD of snacks for us to eat. and water bottles. and plates..? which was used by one of my friends to cut their candy apple. it was rocky road flavor. 7/10.

oh and i did work. kinda. idk

Fourth period, instruments: GOD i hate that class. i feel like i'm always being treated like a child! that class is full of seniors who don't care. and juniors who don't care. and sophomores. and freshmen. I FEEL LIKE I'M IN A BARN! it's like the easiest rhythms ever JUST CLAPPING NO DAMN INSTRUMENTS. and my new student teacher is such a pushover. WHATEVER. and these annoying boys keep talking about soundcloud. i heard their songs, MAYBE IF THEY PAYED ATTENTION IN CLASS IT WOULD GOOD

Fifth period, A.P. Environmental Science: my teacher intentionally sat me next to this guy i like (like is a little too strong of a word. i just think... he happens to be cute. and also i know his middle name. but a friend who happens to be a teacher assistant for that class told me SO I'M NOT THE WEIRD ONE HERE. he just fits the standard of my type, i guess: light hair.) to take a test, but the last time i was sat next to him, i FAILED that test. so. i was also coughing a lot. so. sorry. also since we have to put our backpacks to the side i saw that he put his backpack next to mine WTF. stalkerrrr. Ahaha.

anyway. here's an outline of my day:

Second period, dance: my usual teacher wasn't there... she wasn't feeling well! our choreographer for our current dance WAS there though. he was teaching us formations today... which means we had to do our dance in the smallest (5-10 girls) groups EVER in front of everybody like UGH. i think i'm a bad dancer. or learner. idk. i'm too self conscious for this pls. anyway, when he was telling us where to go... he was grabbing me a lot? i wasn't really thinking too much about it until i saw that he wasn't touching ANYBODY else like that. just me. do i look like someone who doesn't know directions that much that i had to be grabbed in a certain way on my arm... or... Hm.

i think i'm a little paranoid of older men because of my mom. she always warns me of... things happening to girls like me. which is why she doesn't let me go to sleepovers! except she does now. which is Pawesome.

anyway i'm in the back for most of the dance. i really suck at it so maybe that's for the best. i'm in a class with girls on the dance team for crying out loud! what am i doing here.

Sixth period, A.P. Language: this whole week we were preparing a presentation on... this essay about education? i really do NOT care. anyway the night before i was really trying my best to get it done... thinking that we were gonna present the next day. but my teacher's like: ok guys some people have to make up a test from yesterday and also take these ap research surveys!! so the whole class was like silent for 30 mins and i was like: HELL YES I REALLY DIDN'T WANNA PRESENT. then she turns to this group and asks if they wanna present today and i'm like NOOOOOO TF. then she's like ok u guys can present second... who's going first you ask? OUR GROUP. jesus christ when i went up there it's like i had just seen that presentation for the first time. sorry group members.

IT'S FEBRUARY! i wanted to paint my nails red for the month but... i got lazy. ugh

somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bread...

trolls shirt i saw at thrift that maybe... i should've bought. Jk

vaquero by la dinastia has been in my head for this whole week IDK WHY. it's so good. but it's bad. IT'S BAD. (lyrically.) i shant be listening to something so Innapropiate.

song of the day:

james joint - rhianna

idk what to put here anymore. i dont have time for this wtf. i'm not that unemployed

Wtf is this

and then i went home to immediately rot in bed. yayayayay awesome rainy day! Thx if u read Boi Bai

Morning before: wake up even though you said you'd wake up early... use the bathroom... brush teeth until you puke... try to put in contacts even though they wouldn't stick... get dressed. feel like Sheinnn (i shall not curse. Sigh~)

go back to room to put on makeup... analyze your face... put on jewelry blah blah blah

wait for brother to finish getting ready even though mom says he's already ready. be frustrated

leave house to drive to school