im super hard on myself about not being the person i want to be
but also everyone is!.. like seeing people on social media and comparing.. its normal right!
and that is sort of what social media is made for
comparing with friends!
i mean ive been SO obsessed with copying these random people
and everyone knows it... and everyone falls into the comparison trap
and in some ways , inspiration itself is good
but its never good enough and ill never be just exactly who i WANT to be
...if that makes sense!
and it makes me wonder if the people i want to be like also feel the same way!
i like this message i saw when i was on a trip to spain a lot!!
are they comparing too or is their lack of comparison what causes them to be so creative that people want to be them?
it translates to "please don't ask me not to be me"
i just think its super cool! well first of all i LOVE graffiti art.. its my favorite!
but i enjoy the message as well as the execution anyways....
and there is so much of it in spain, its insane
although being your own identity of a person is impossible..
and i tried making it my life motto since... kind of....
we are constantly copying others around us, whether we are conscious of it or not!
and i think thats awesome UNTIL it becomes a comparison...which ruins peoples lifes!!!!!!!
and i believe no matter how much i copy other people i will never ever reach who i want to be until i am happy with who i am right now
its always who i WANT to be, instead of who i am at THIS moment
ok.. enough of this... GOODNIGHT!