my really (un)interesting story #1

#firstpost >:3

• Composed on

Hai x3 this is me Brooke in Ameircan Images class Hehehehehehehehehe

Today i am really a sad Gal. SO. SAD.

This is my Story: 11/27/23 I followed my Bae AF on Instagram yesterday. thinking... hoping he would follow me back.


so i blocked him on my secret account. and changed my username. and changed all my caption on my main account to NOT TALK ABOUT TREES. i was so depresso. and he STILL has not followed me back. 14 hours later. no follow back.

i was so sad.... so i viewed his story on my secret account called "tree lover". and then i saw it was posted ONE MINUTE AGO (STUPID FREAKING POST ABOUT ORCAS). i freaked. hell know its me. because i post about trees on my MAIN ACCOUNT CONNECTED TO MY NAME.

so i was like Hahaha omg Idkkkk i always forget to think of a song.... (i dont. i am just FEIGNING innocence. and i was like Waiitt... either Chrsitian Brother by Elliot Smith (idk if he listens to elliot smith HELP but hopefully thats cool) Or Come and Play Into The Milky Night by Stereolab haahahahahaha i was just listening to that in the car (HE SAW STEREOLAB LIVE AND I KNOW BECAUSE I FREAKING SAW HIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

so then King said. yah i actually saw stereolab LIVE last year... so fire.... you should liste n to Fuses from the same album.. and Percolator... by Stereolab.. and i was like OMG YES im obsessed with them right now im in love with you. (kidding. Im atualy a lesbiuan so idk. i think i just need to be him right now. why. WHY. WHWHHYYYYY)

anyways he found out i go to chuech and idk if thats embarassing or Naw. but the fit was Fire (denim jacket, brown pants, green button down shirt.) so WHatever. Im ajust so AWKAWRDRD. tyats so emabrasssinn g.

P.S. how do you make your font bigger on this webstie. i had to upload a picture of that. Emabrassing. >:3

i was so Emabrasreed. i was like its been a long day... and he said Sure. SURE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WAHT THE ACTUAL HELL. DOES ""SURE" MEAN???!?!?!?!? and then i FREAKING messed up the FREAKING thing he was teaching me and he had to STOP and teach it really slowly because my frekiang HAND FOOT COORDINATION SUCKS (durm). i was so depresso espresso. he definitely thought i was a Freak. Freeeeakkk.

anyways. durinhg my lesson yesterday (he is my teacher Lol). he was asking me if i practiced something and i started stuttering really bad. REALLY BAD. Idek why. i was so depresso and my face got so red.

and then he was liek... Haha your stuttering soooo bad hahahahahah loloklololo.

Anyways. duriing that same lesson. AFTER the stuttering Incident. he was like Lol wat song do u want to play. and he doesnt know this but im Devious. and i stalk his Insta REGULARLHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the stereolab album its from!!!!

so he was likie Omg.. wait ive only heard the demo version does dat have drums,... and iw as like Idk i listen to the Non demo version (cool girl) so he played the demo and NO DRUMS! and i was like Waiitt is this the demo... and he was like Yah ill play the NON demo and i was like ok AND IT WAS THE DRUMS! so i PLAYWED it. (and i sucked. im actually so bad at this instrument its so embarassing. sigghhhh)

ELLIOT SMITH!!!! <3<3<3

Anyways thats it. #FirstPostOnMultiVerse. I tink ill just post my Tohughts on here. Lololoololzzzzzzzzz Thanks. Baiiiiii >:3c <44

< ----- Me. on the reg #Lebian :3


anwyays. i think that