my really (un)interesting thoughts #18

im Fr going to waitress hell

• Composed on

hello multiverse Freaks. its Meeeeee.... happy MONYAY! yay!! MEMORIAL DAY MONYAY. (tongue out emoji). Yeisss. ltos to talk about today. if i remember it all. maybe. anyways. Dude... i think im the most embarassing person ever on the planet. slash awkward. Sigh. ok but progreresss... i guess... no idk what im saying. anyways. i went to my STUPID freaking thing today. and guess the FREAK what. my audition is LESS THAN TWO FREAKING WEEKS AWAY. i might as well just go and explode and die before it hits june 9 because there AINT NO FREAKIN WAYY. its over for me. genuinely. sighh. anyways. so i went to a kraftwerk concert on friday and it was SICKKK like so cool i actually love kraftwerk SO MUCHHH!!! it was so cool and there were so many Hip millenials there it was insane.... i was so excited. i got this sick shirt and i wore it today to see it Freakdontsurf would say anything about it (because i like social experiements)(jk i just like looking cool... Ohh kraftwerk sooo Underground... SHUT UP) anyways my plan worked because he was like kraftwerk... i love them thats so sick.. i was like Ya i just saw them!!! on friday!! he wasl ike WATTT i didnt know they were having concerts? and i was like Ya Lol. it was so cool. Luv them. i saw Man Machine.. that album... and he was like Ermmmm... adn i was like the Red one... the one with the model... and he was like.. WATT thats the best one!!! that and computer world and trans europe express! and i was like ya those r pawwwsome.... it was so cool... Luved it





"So now you wait for his spark, you know it'll turn you on

He's gonna make you feel the way you wanna feel

When he starts to lie, when he makes you cry

You know I'll be there, my day will come

I know someday, I'll be the only one"

and he was like U go to lots of concerts? and i was like ya im going to more this year..adn he was like Which ones.... (YES MY PERFECCT OPPORTUNITY TO LOOK COOL AND HIP WITH ALL THE COOL AND HIP CRAAP IM SEEING. not really. Sigh). and i was like.. Yaaaaaa of Montreal... heavenly... and bikini kill... (i forgot im also going to david gilmour i guess too. didnt mention it. Wtv.) and he was like Omg thats sick.... i didnt know of Montreal was having a concert... when is it... then i started TWEAKIN OUT i waslike HahAhahAhuA Omg of MONTREAL IS MY FAVORITE BAND EVEERRRR hAhaHAha I Love HTem... ya its on June 21.. AHAHA.... and he was like Omgg.. a thursday.. i need to see if i can go.. ive seen them before.. its just that one guy right? (HES SEEN oM BEFORE??? OH MY GOSDDASFSD.) and i was like YasAsss.. SHHahaha Kevin Barnes... LOVEHIM.... HAHAH... iM SsoOosoo ExxCCiteddDddDd... so that was a good interaction. i was only a bit weird. Yiss. we did drums for the whole hour (AND 20 extra minutes what is wrong with him he is not getting paid for going overtime on every single damn class Bro. and i lowk suck. i lowkey dont wanna audition the drums because tehres no point i have no chance but i dont have the heart to tell him so.. Yeah. just have to work. twice as hard. and it sucks cuz half the Crap we're doing it like not translatable to my crappy aleisis electric kit so i cant rly practice. and esp the stupid positioning of my STUPID RIDE. i have no Freaking freedom to move anything with that damn kit and literally it sucks... and my stool is too high......

"Try to describe it to the limit of my ability

its there for a second then its givin up what it used to be

contained in my music is somehow more than just sound

this inspiration coming and twistin things around"

but im grateful i have it in the first place. drums is such an inaccessible instrument Dude. yeah. well anyways.. for some reason the studio got new cymbals... and i hate how they sound... they r like real cymbals but they r WEIRDDD and loud (yeah Idiot cymbals are loud... Ru dumb). they threw me off.... and the ride sounded weird.. but also ive only ever touched one irl acoustic drum set in my life and its the one from that studio so i think im being silly. Heh. we did.... stuff.. idk... jazzz.. practice... stuff... idk... tried my best. he MADE M.e.... FORCED ME... to like... idk mouth drumm...scat... IDK THE WORD but like vocalize it... and it was so horrible and awkawrd i almsot died right there and then. IM SO AWKWARD. FORCED ME FOR LIEK 5 MINS TO. ig... he was being funny about it... "THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS" "bboom tch cop boom bom da da da ba boom ssss da da clap" so Yeah. SIgh. i did it... i Swear im good just when im alone... too much pressure all the time i cantthanddleitt... wahtver. soloing and crap... bossa nova... Workinnn on it! and he made me... gotoo... piano.. and i did so bad.. and its so hot in there.. and i suck... and i almost died right there and then "ur face is so red" HOW ABOUT YOU GO AND DIE HOW ABOUT I CRASH MYSELF INTO A TREE ON THE WAY HOME HOW IS THAT RED FOR U "its always so hot in here!" STOPPPPPPp EIDIOTTIOTJSOITHDFPGBJK. so Yah. and then i screamed and listned to rebellious screamy girl music on the way home.

"We are scientists in our lab

Looking through the microscope

The little glass slides, they never lie

How can this small mind cope?"

Hehehe. I love being dramatic Hheehehe :333 so that was MY monyay. lowk my fault for not practicing all week other than today. so ill really get it in this week. i sweaer I WILL DO IT! NO MORE OF THIS!!! yayyy....!!! its finals week... but i already feel like school is over. literally school gets out like 10-12 this whole week and i have ZEEROOOO finals. so im litreally chillin!!! so yep! i had kinda a crazy weekendddd too.. well friday was kraftwerk and itwas awesome. and on saturday i had my asb banquet (thank god... i dont have to see many of those people ever again..Haaha..) and it was ok... dude like people in asb r a different breed and the amount of casual body shaming and fatphobia from those people are insane and shocking that we are at this point. like genuinely. it was this breakfast thing and i constantly heard "big back" "fatty" how about shut up and let people eat? idc if its a joke? its.. not funny??? no one wants to hear you body shame yourself or anyone else? ok there was this like this pastry bowl with pastries and cinnamon rolls and muffins (it was a brunch banquet) and this girl was like "omg guys i love pastries!!!! does no one else love pastries but me??!?! what!!" and this other girl next to her was like "maybe im just not fat..." OK WAHT.?? THATS NOT NORMAL. THAT IS NOT NORMAL. HOW HAVE WE AS A WORLD GOTTEN TO THIS POINT. and then the first girl who likes pastries was like "ok.. pass me the fat bowl.." Dude. there is no way this is real.

"There’s nothing in this world that I would trade for you

And the air that moves between us must be bulletproof

My love Is a bat

Your heart Is a hemophiliac"

genuinely i dgaf that its a joke this whole "trend" of body shaming and fatphobia is reinforcing horrible horrible things in girls that it shouldn't and i dont understand why its funny. how the hell has this shit become normalized? or after the banquet (after like 10,0000 unfunny big back jokes. have you ever considered... that we need to eat... to live??!?!?!? that eating is.. normal.. and good??) some of them came to my house after to decide the asb list and the same thing. "omg guysss.. i cant eat these chips im literally so fat... someone stop me... im literally such a big back" -the skinniest person (while we were ALL eating chips. stfu). not to MENTION it reeks of fatphobia.. talking about being fat like its horrible and terrible and all this shit???? please shut up please please if i hear ONE MORE joke about it from a skinny person or if i see ONE MORE stupif ass weight loss instagram reel that has horrible unheatlhy 'tips' i am going to start spiraling and i literally swear to god i cannot deal with it anymor.e. i actually needed to step out of that banquet room it god so bad. it god so bad i was on the verge i cannot. have. this. happen. i swore this wouldnt happen this summer. so maybe writing it out will give me the... idk.. discipline to not fall back into bad habits. so its not all just in my head. its been to relevant. this isnt OKAY!!! DONT START IDIOTIC 'TRENDS' LIKE THIS MAYBE. jesus christ its like we are moving backwards or something, its genuinely terrifying. i think my first course of action is getting off of INSTAGRAM STUPID REELS!!! PLeaase it sucks so bad. im gonna LOOOOSEEE ITTT!!!! i hate instagram reels so much. and social media.

BY Vandals

BY descendents

"I once had a girlfriend. But then one day she dumped me.

And everywhere I'd go people would ask me where she was

I don't wanna talk about her. Someone always asks about her

So I tell them all "My girlfriend's dead""

"Statistically I'm far above the rest

I do my homework, never have to guess

My social life's an empty wreck

Romance is an alien labor"

literally genuinely i would quit all social media if i could but it sucks cuz i literallt CANT. ig i could twitter but thats not the problem its instagram. i managed to get off of tik tok but now im just on instagram reels. but instagram is literally my way of communication to most people and my friends now. deleting it would create way too much of a disconnect. also, i manage like 5 school instagram accounts and that just wouldn't be logical. i just don't know what to DOOO... maybe i shouold just watch dharr man eveyr time i want to wacth instagram reels. Ugh. i need to make some drastic change in my life or im gonna spiral this summer i KNOW IT! aanyways. while i was deciding the next year asb list with the other asb people there was a huge argument between the pres and vp and they started yelling and it was kinda scary... like im kinda scared for next year.. hearing a guy my age raise his voice like that (at a girl.. yikes) is just so odd. eyahhhh..... also i babysat this ADORABLE LITTLE 2 YEAR OLD NADIA shes my neighbors kid.... and Omg she is so adorable i had the best time. we colored and watched baby shark and i had... to change her diaper even though i had no idea how to so i just guessed... its pretty self explanatory.. right?! well i taught myself. and my neigbors had cameras everywhere through the whole hosue and they kept on turning on and off and it wasSCARY but also ya makes sense.

but was so fun and they paid ME $75 FOR IT WHATTT!!!! and they said they wanted me to babysit her again!!! SO YAYYY!!!! FIRST JOB???!?!?! I GUESS!!!! I GOT MY FIRST JOB!!! YAYAYAY! with the sweetest little girl ever... Love her so sososoo much.. and their house is so nice too!! yay :3 so im really excited about that. and for senior year too!! and now that i can drive and im allowed i finally have this awesome newfound feeling of independence.. like i can do anything and go anywhere when i want and stuff.. and i started cooking for myself because wow.... i realized i can make whatever i want with whatever ingredients for myself any day i want and its AWESOME.... i made spam musubi yesterday... spam fried rice.. and my go-to to make is cucumber saladddd its so good!!! so im so happy about that.. im a newfound chef. YAY!!! after my jazz band audition all will be awesome and chill and i will stay in good habits and clean my room maybe. and get good at everything and finish rhythm heaven megamix and read sick books on riot grrrl and the history of jazz (thanks mom for the b day gift LOL?). this is my time. Oh Yeah. :3 happy monyay everyone, see you next monyay, sleep tight and be awesome or seomthing idk...

goodnight :PPPPP