my really (un)interesting thoughts #26.5

out restoring meadows. be back soon! posting 2 keep up dat monyay streak (priorities). #GIRL IN STEM!!!

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hai multiverse.... HAPPY MONYAY!

the internet here really sucks because im in the middle of a forest and im on hotspot and its so bad... but im having so much fun out here!! i love love nature so so much!

i just wanted to make a quick short post checking in.. i need to sleep but im currently out in an airbnb at this girls in science fellowship! i flew here alone! scary!!

i dont have the internet to generate cooltext logos but listen to Grass by Animal Collective! song of the week!!

but anyways... i just needed to keep up the monyay streak. but i think im having the best time of my life out here!! i think ive found my calling and its environmental conservation and im so SO happy about it!! YAY! ok goodnight! long day tmw!

i feel like im seeing my whole future play out in front of me this week. its really awesome... ill give more of a review when i have the time. but im doing meadow restoration here! field work removing invasive species and data collection!!