There's no place like home.

Composed on

When the pandemic happened, it was a blessing in disguise.

I was kept company by my cats and my partner, which uplifted my spirits.

The biggest relief was being allowed to work from home, full-time, for the first time ever.

It taught me that I didn't really hate my job, I just hated being stuck in an office all day.

Not commuting saved me about an hour of driving, which isn't a lot compared to most people, but it gave me back an hour of my life every day.

I joked it was my 'birthday present' because lockdown came right afterward.

Before lockdown, I was trying to convince my boss that I could do my job from home, and that being in the office was detrimental to my productivity. But he didn't agree.

If I got hungry or thirsty, I could just walk to the kitchen to make food, tea or get water.

I had more control of my body temperature with the freedom of clothing and better control of the AC/fans.

I became used to working in silence, and it allowed me to focus in a way I had struggled to before.

But that's all over now.

I could use my own toilet, in the privacy of my own home.