weaving my web

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i created this webpage on december 14th 2017 after my long-time internet pal, lulu, suggested it to me. the internet is very stuffy and uncomfortable these days. all of the webpages are starting to look the same. corporations are in control of what we see, when we see it, and how we feel about it. i don't like it. i'm so happy to have a place that's my very own.

i don't really know how to code a website, i just pick apart the various css files i've saved over the years and mash them together to make something that is visually appealing to me. my aesthetic is often that of a young child. my website looks like a rainbow threw up on it, but thats how i like it

i've been addicted to the internet since the very first time i signed into AOL via a friends dialup modem. i have fond memories of using my neighbors webtv to chat with users around the country. i met my first internet best friend thanks to an aim chatroom for neopets, and we are still in contact today. my external hard drive is full of old graphics i would use to customize my various pages (neopets, livejournal, myspace, etc). this webpage is where i get to show them off and express myself.

one of my favorite sections on my website is the shrine for the old disney show "so weird". i was able to pull old assets using the wayback machine to mimic fiona's iconic website & add a modern supernatural twist. kid me would be so proud.