Miitopia Adventures 5

Originally Posted: 12-30-21

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Last we left off, Dark Lord Stan was trying to intimidate me and was doing a pretty good job of it, I have to admit. That’s when a stranger stepped in!

I’d never seen this fellow before, but he got right up in Stan’s face. I guess Stan saw he was in for a fight because he backed down and ran off as he often does.

The stranger introduced himself as Ben, a travelling mage. But I have a feeling he’s a bit more than that if he’s making the Dark Lord run away!

Following our introductions, he said something rather strange to me…

I guess ‘twas meant as encouragement, but I can’t help be a little curious what he saw in me. He didn’t stick around long, however, and was off on his own business before I had a chance to say thank you.

Afterwards, Scylla and I had a conversation about our new-found ally.