life and code

Composed on


- the theseus' ship of human consciousness uploads

- how uploading a consciousness is or isnt immortality, or lengthened life span

- if i am not the me i was a year ago, am i the me i was a second ago?

- if the difference in time is overruled, and me from a year or a second ago is the same as me now, then is the same within space? is my consciousness on a laptop the same me as the me here?

- what defines "you"? your consciousness, something else, a mixture?

- would you upload your consciousness? if you could?

- would older people want to transfer consciousness as much as younger people?

i was feeling existential about death and aging, and came up with a bunch of questions after researching immortality too much. thought they would be interesting to share with the more philosophical people here, cuz im not too good at that stuff. here!

found these imgs on pinterest i think, if ur interested in tracking them down.

thats it, thanks for reading.