Been a moment

But I’m back.

• Composed on

Still love how this place feels and looks. I kind of wish I could just have more people around here. But as it is, I really do remember why I was endeared to this spot.

[Also the fact that I was more or less forcibly locked out of one of my online spaces makes me feel how tenuous so much of this stuff actually is. ]

Probably going to be doing more casual documenting here. Just to get a sense of how my day ways and where it's going. Had a call this morning about a training opportunity that I hope that I get to do because it seems like the very thing that I would actually be good at teaching.

And I don't even claim to be a teacher, but.. I think I could do this pretty well especially if there's co-facilitation involved.

Other than that, I took the afternoon to just kind of go outside, take transit (albeit a form that I'm ambivalent about at best) down to get a cute little drink, do some reading. And just walked home from there. Taking in some of the remaining warmth that's still around for this season.

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