Creating as a process

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One thing I'm trying to do more of this year is take time to do more creative.. original kind of stuff.

I had been working my way through it part of last year starting with more digital paintings and I will continue to do that. But also incorporating collage making and original writing into my regular sense of being is probably going to be helpful to me

Because I like learning and taking in information and seeing how that applies - and talking about it with other people. And I think that's also a process that is increasingly necessary as the years go by.

But I think order to feel like me I think I have to return to this love of making stuff, genuinely. Especially when making stuff is one of the ways I claim back a sense of being that isn't reliant on .. so much that I have disdain for. Or at least potentially incorporates means of reuse and remaking and reshaping.

And that potential for remaking and transformation is absolutely needed in the midst of these systems that have been failing over and over. and seem to be really genuinely fucking up on massive scales that.. I can only wish had been intervened before.

But truly kudos to all those have fought before who fight now and will fight in the future. Because all those kind of determined efforts are going to be crucial.