Purposefully losing yourself.

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This is very brief but I was just talking to a friend today, catching up with her about how she has been. And just processing the ways that I often don't know how to move forward with everything happening around me. With everything that can be overwhelming.

Like the obligation to survive is getting in the way of figuring out what is necessary, of processing the things that have happened already. When there's no room to really give space to that sort of thing, it's hard to really articulate what is happening.

I had done some reading of Bayo Akomolafe's work - and it does hit at some places. It really does hit at some of the things that I have been considering.

Like a quote that immediately got my attention was 'in order to find your way, you must lose it. generously.' Something about that feels incredibly true for me. I don't know if .. that's really the case for many, because there are those who never really had a way. And so I won't say they're in a better position but there is a difference there.

And so I've just been really considering what would it mean to fall, to really fall - let yourself fall in ways that you've never given yourself the space to do so before.

To actually tend to the practice of falling and letting so much fall around you.

This does not mean not tending to those who need assistance, this is not mean ignoring your own needs for assistance. but letting worlds that you know don't function for you, that you know don't work. Letting those worlds fall. That, that is something that will be peaking my interesting for quite some time.