
Composed on

I know it's been a little bit too long since I've been on here. But it's always a treat being able to log in and do this kind of little.. hidden spot of documenting and thinking.

The year has been passing by quite quickly and I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm still carrying a lot of grief and anger around the multiple genocides going on around the world with the US often at the center or at least being a major player behind the,

It's disgusting how the West operates off the subjugation of so many others. It makes anything that I do here feel oddly rotten and empty a lot of the time. And yet, I still have to be in some form or fashion and that's not easy to do - when everything feels so tenuous anyway.

Additionally.. I am just growing more into myself, making more art. writing more. making little beats, playing around with sound. I suppose creation in the midst of the terrors .. is something. It's not enough. Would never be enough along with study, with gathering with carrying the grief and talking about what's hurting to as many as I can to spread, spread, spread all that needs to be known and continues to need to be surfaced.


There's a strange place to be - trying to slow down and yet it feels like everything is heightening at the same time. The contradictions that I am learning more about each day is a lot to undertake. But I feel compelled to do it, I can't turn away from what is, what has been happening - in order to try and face and push towards what could be.