beige, white, grey and green.

• Composed on

days feel so quick. the hours between leaving home and stepping foot back through the door blur into one, hazy and interluded with a chicken wrap and 2 flapjacks.

verdana is my favourite font. it is humble, sans-serif, normally placing 2-5 on lists of web safe fonts. not quite first, but high enough on the list to be disregarded.

i grow more and more fond of neutrals and the quiet. beige, white and grey occupy more and more of my work than i would have ever thought. the splashes of green remain, a trademark, a resistance to the dull, life persists! i have a tendency to statues shrouded in the stuff, ivy clawing at unyielding skin, ferns cosying feet that will never regard it, making a home from the homeless forgottern.

green is a neutral in my mind. a constant, undefeatable and irreplacable in every single day. i can grow my own green, keep it in little pots and jars if i wish, big pots and jars if my pockets allow.

you don't get used to shouting. it always pierces some new part of the chest that you didn't know was yet to be pierced.

my own gut feels like stone. heavy, sinking always, futher and futher, an unshakable guilt i've had since about 7 years old. i don't know why, what i did to earn it, but at some point i swallowed pebbled and now they're piling up to shingle. the swash drives them into turmoil from time to time.

i would like to get used to beige, white, grey and green.