






Moving International Travel Goals to 2023

2022 - 2023

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For all reasonable-ness sake, international travel goals have moved to next year. We still got coronavirus.

From Camming to Streaming! - Money!

Vision 2022

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I've stopped doing adult camera modeling and I've switched over to doing tick tock lives. Tick tock lives actually pay money!

I've also decided that on top of doing politics and reading tarot and fortune telling cards, I'm also going to get those lightup rave gloves and do hand dancing for lives.

Not money related, I'm considering starting an ask blog on tiktok. It's just I don't do digital art so it would take a lot of materials and space to do and ask blog. Doing more art is a pretty good goal. I should enjoy life.

Learning Black/ ASL

Vision 2022

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I'm throwing language learning on my vision board! I'm going to do everything it takes to become efficient at a different language by the end of this year! It doesn't have to be just one. My top two are currently French and American sign language.The problem with language learning tips is that it's really ableist and how everything you'll see is geared towards spoken, written, and reading languages. Of course, sign language is different. For the most part, the rules apply and it's just going to take some experience to weed out what's not going to work.

I'm going to commit to learning American sign language in 2022! More importantly, black American sign language. The fact that I'm 33 and I'm just now finding out that there's basically Ebonics in sign language means I need to get down on it!



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I need to get braces and replace the teeth that I lost. Dental stuff costs a lot of money, but I will make that money and then some!

Money ideas

Vision 2022

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I think I've decided that I want to be a fortune teller for money. I definitely know what I need the money for. More sooner than later, I want a brand new laptop and tablet. A new phone is the goal for next year. It would be great if I could also find a better phone service so I could get off boost mobile, but that's more desired but not required.As much as I enjoyed doing remote sex work, I don't much care for men, and sex work is very much a male dominated clientele. There are a lot of sex workers that don't care for men, and they're definitely using the patriarchy to their advantage. I'm more the type that would rather and have nothing to do with people that I don't like. Not to say I won't read men's tarot, I'm saying I don't want to work in a male dominated clientele field.

Shortly after I moved to Minneapolis, I want to be a bike mechanic because it's a very lucrative business here. It's also possible to be a traveling bike mechanic. It's not like biking repairs are going to go anywhere.I've also recently opened up guilt-free sex ed, kink, and transgender talk spaces. Very unprofessionally and non-medically, of course. I don't have any degrees or certificates. Nothing illegal will be discussed.Everything will be done online, of course.💡

Moped and E folding bike!

Vision 2022

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Transportation without a big ass car!

I love the size and convenience! No one will ever see me coming and I can sneak right by, passing people in traffic!

Gym membership/ staying healthy!

Vision 2022

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A gym membership would be helpful while traveling through the United states, whether I'm on the go or lot or stationary. I would like to get a membership at a national gym, but a lot of them are really crappy. Local gyms have better programs.The reason why gym membership is important, especially as an in-house person, it's wi-fi, a shower, a locker, a lot of things that help being unhoused be a lot easier. Of course that falls apart and it's a waste of money where there isn't a branch of that gym. It's a better strategy if I plan on sitting in a place long term, and long-term means over 30 days. Or I know I'm hopping from place to place where there's a branch of that gym. Or, I'm hopping from place to place and I'm in places where there's not a branch of that gym for a shorter period of time.

The greater point is that whether I'm stationary or transient, I have a place to work out. I actually love to exercise and a social setting! Buying one month memberships at local gyms wouldn't hurt either. Most of them have monthly plans. The goal is to be able to afford gym memberships however I need them, and utilize the gems for all they have to offer for whatever my situation is!

Money manifestation

Vision board 2022

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Knowing that I can throw money at almost any problem to make it go away, I am calling to manifest money!I moved immediate needs our housing and food. My long-term needs are fixing my teeth. And there's a lot in between. I also need money to make traveling easier, because I'm going to start doing that in spring. I also really really want a folding electric bike. I admit I don't need it, but it would make my life hella easier traveling! I'm also considering doing some traveling that will require a passport, plane ticket, train ticket, whatever else transportation money.I don't want to get ahead of myself in one post! One subject at a time! Money

It's a matter of what I'm going to do to get the money. Having a main job, working a side job and some gigs, fundraising my ass off. But I know I can't keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. I got to get creative as I'm going to make money. It also doesn't necessarily have to be a "job". What's important is it's generating money.

Vision broad blog! 2020

Multiverse might be great for this!

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I've started a vision board for 2022 because it's been a thing that's been talked about in my circles and very recent history. I figure why not?Since this site is very colorful and has a very unique way of moving pictures and text, this would be a great place to blog on my vision board. The visual only vision board is on my Pinterest @tatsuyoujo . I have blogger, but the obscurity of multiverse is what's drawing me to this platform for this purpose. Blogger just seems kind of "overworked". Given how live general went down the dream when it was bought by a Russian company, and Tumblr went down the drain when he got bought by Yahoo, aside from the multiverse, blogger is the only blogging website left. Not to say things didn't change for blogger after they were bought by google, but the fallout wasn't nearly as bad as those other two.

I'm glad I found this website, because this is going to be great!


This is nice!

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Whoa... I'm new here, and this s pretty tight.