A constellation of internet corners for the rest of us
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A constellation of personal thoughts and images
A world of artful frames and colorful edges
A field of stars slowly moving together
A multiverse of expressive web pages
Ready, set, theme
It’s like having a tool similar to Microsoft Paint as you create a corner for yourself on the internet. You can color your voice with your personality, rather than having it flattened out by technology giants.
Blog in full color
Whether it’s photo journaling, documenting your project, sharing a mini life update, or something we haven’t thought of, it’s a place for you to write and make a collage.

art by @SimzArts
A homemade post, with your staple media type
Sort of like a zine, a collage, a bunch of glued tweets and essays - how do I describe it? This is something in-between, It’s a place that celebrates different kinds of media, so, buckle in, and play with all these web materials!
hello! by Sadness
Lolita dress in rose garden by Ruruka
Ruruka annotates her photo gallery - and the frame style matches her fashion
Nya by Anyā
Sumain by tinyfluff
A distant scene of breathtaking beauty from another multiverse
A Love Letter to by Wuz
Combination journal, essay and fan page - a memory of the Web
Psssssst, did I hear dresscode?
Are you whispering? Are you excited? Are you feeling a soup of emotions? Dress up your voice to match your personality.
Or blogchat together 
Think of blogchatting as an activity like dancing, playing music, playing with basketball – it’s enjoyable and rewarding on your own, but enhanced by the companionship of others.
We are still cooking this up, it will be delivered shortly~

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