Back online!?

We were down and out without you!

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I joined the discord after I was trying to get on here after a week of it being down. And, then it stayed down for a month. I was starting to think it was over...

But we're all back home!

you wake up and it's may

while you wait for summer you fail to notice it’s already all around you. 2024/05/23

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what do i even have to say? moved to my third, final, and favorite host family. i have a little brother and we visited their hometown last weekend. was fine never coming back to taiwan before bc i know nothing will ever be the same, but now i just want to live in the mountains of zhushan forever and ever. less than 40 days until i go home. reading less books because i walk to school instead of taking the train. took the tocfl and got b1 like i expected, top of my class. college still hasn't given me my financial aid offer...


site is back up, yay.

( *^-^)ρ(*╯^╰)

i'm pretty sure i checked on the day it first came back, but i put off writing something for a while. i had just gotten back into it when it went down so i was bummed for a while :(

doing a lot of thinking about castle country. on a roll with fixing tiny things that have a bigger impact on the whole thing. got a cheap little notebook from a store i pass on my way home from school and i'm using it to write little scenes i have bouncing around in my head, though it oftens ends up more like a third person journal where i just replace my name with the character's. still need to figure out the overarching plot beyond vague feelings.

summer job secured (mother told one of her farmer friends i'd be fine helping out. i am but i'm only getting paid in vegetables...) participating in one of the pre-orientation camping trips my university offers. i'm really stressed about the financial aid stuff still tho lolllll. i want to limit my screentime a lot more during the summer, using it only once a week or only after dark or something. farm job is probably going to be pretty flexible and my neighbor wants me to babysit her kids for at least one week, which at least i'll get paid for. best friend from middle school is going to the same uni...

after the boswell book i talked a lot about in my last post, i started working on a story about three guys in ancient crete. i want it to be in the style of a play, but realized i haven't read very many, so i decided to wait on writing more until i read some more. haven't gotten on that yet though. made a vtuber model with an ms paint doodle and only used her once before realizing my laptop's mic sucks ass. mostly using my sketchbook for background sketches these days, but still no good at drawing characters interacting with bgs.

i worry i've romanticized the idea of university too much and that i don't even want a degree. is it too late to back out now? my parents are pretty cool about a lot of things and generally left me to do my own thing when it came to school, but i can't help but feel like a lot of that is only because i was staying within the path they expected of me. on the other hand, the possibility of not going to college was never brought up by them, but it wasn't brought up by me either. if i stay in zhushan, none of it is a problem.

i've been reading/watching a lot of unapologetically bad fiction recently. reading a book i don't like a lot right now. it's not technically bad in anyway, it just doesn't suit my tastes. rereading bits of the seafort saga while the guy who read rodrigo reads it and these guys are so much less normal than i remembered. i talk to my classmates a little more. i look at the sky. transmission towers and power lines are my angels. i buy drinks and candy at different convenient stores. i wait for summer and then remember i could be enjoying my life right now. i miss my friends and i miss zhushan and i am simultaneously connected to everything and everyone and completely and utterly alone. i listen to music and i spend too much time on my phone. i don't remember any of my dreams but i think they're all good ones.



life stuff, bit all over the place

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so much music has been released

this month by the artists i listen to,

so thats been fun ^_^

been watching lots of youtube,

been wanting to play video

games but depression is evil


accidentally missed a psych appt

which sucked, made me real anxious.

all i can do is reschedule and hope

she aint mad at me. had dnd tonight

which was a treat as always. hopefully

this summer will be my summer :)

after 42 years.,,,

we are so homers

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lol heya guys!!11!!!!1

me irl when multiverse was down

great to see its back. i thought i was the only one that thought it was down and shtuff but guess not

i promise ill make a better one soon just lemme figure out how this site works again ok?si

silly lil guy -->

my really (un)interesting thoughts #17

People please start posting on multiverse again i dont want to be the only one Please…

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yay.... last school monyay!

epic song of the week:






"Don't turn around, wa-uh-oh

(yeah-yeah)Der Kommissar's in town, wa-uh-oh

You're in his eye and you'll know why

The more you live, the faster you will die"

[lyrics translated from german]

helloooooo!!!!!! Bros this site is dead... after it died everyone forgot... pls start posting again.... PLEAK! yeyy... well anyways it monyay!! and the last monyay of school because next monyay is memorial day... YAY!!! JUNIOR YEAR IS ALMOST OVER! fianlllyy... im kind of excited to get out of here... college awesomeness YES! welp! monyay review! i made a candy salad in apes today.. and ate takis.. and tehn had pizza in broadcast.. so it was kind of Littttt..... bros ok i had my class with [REDACTED]dontsurf (hop off) and UGHHHHHHHHHHH bros i suck so bad at PIANO i know i say this every time but i suck!! anyways so i go in and hes liek do u wanna start w piano or drum and i was like PIANO.. and he was like Woah... u usually say u dont care. (IM SCREWED FOR THIS PIANO JAZZ BAND AUDITION ACTUALLY! THATS WHY. id MUCH RATHER BE PLAYING DRUMS) BRo. and we start with FREAKING blue 7 sonny HOElins. stupid IMPROV COMPING whatecer i hate it so much i dont know why i have such a mental block Gurl. idk... guys i sweaer Jazz piano is harder than all the other instruments in terms of jazz because every other instrument (more or less-ish) u can only play one note at a time but for piano you play a BUNCH and have SO MUCH MORE FREEDOM AND IT SUCKS SO HARD WHO CAME UP WITH THIS CRAP

Fire Songs

"Well, you can all just kiss off into the air

Behind my back, I can see them stare

They'll hurt me bad, but I won't mind

They'll hurt me bad, they do it all the time"

"Girls who want boys

Who like boys to be girls

Who do boys like they're girls

Who do girls like they're boys

Always should be someone you really love"

like i dunno learning curve crap. sigh... i try my best but i embarass myself as Always!!!! and im just soSOSOOOO awkward girl. sigh just be NORMAL GIRL. and he kept grabbin at my Damn phone to play the song... Just Freaking USE UR OWN DAMN PHONE (that he does NOT have a case on and its ALL CRACKED. da frick). and i had to go on spotify to open blue 7 and he saw i was listening to der kommissar.... and didn't comment. I TOOK THAT SONG FROM HIMMMMMUHHH (its a rly popular song..ig) and i searched.. and im scared he saw what i was searching for (it was literlally nothing interesting... or embarassing). Ugh. frekaing Ho. at least i did Fine on Ceora..... i feel so screwed for this audition though Bros. BUT i mean honestly i dont think theres many jazz pianists at my school... so i have a pretty good chance.. and they are in need of a pianist and Stuff... so even if i suck i think ill get in... but still its embarassing you know? so scary.. freaky.... and a guy that used to have a crush on me is in jazz band so i cant be bad in front of him because thats embarassing.. like... Brah. Only two more monyays until the Audition. HahahAHHDBAHDBHASAHAHA (IM SCREWED ITS OVER FOR ME). think positive Hah... Yis. so... positive. next year will be so awesome! i can feel it!!! im ready!! and ill practice all the time and be really good at everything!!! omg... BRODONTSURF freaking posted playing united states of whatever on the IG. freak.

like idk i think im the most awkward Gal ever. but like embrace it... awkward... is.. cool... (its not) (sigh). YEAH WHATEVA!!!! (liam lynch reference. Heh.) aywayss... i had a project for apes where i had to make like a diy sustainable thing so my Biffle Bae came over and we made cat scratchers together and it was Awesome and my cat scratcher is really Cute.... and anyway sometimes i feel like sometimes im keepin my Biffle bae a secret like... no one knows how cool and awesome she is... NO ONE KNOWS...too underground... she too mysterious and hip.... and lokwey we are so the same (aries twins) but also so different its acttuually crazy. i am NOT mysterious... no matter how much i try. but it like works. shoutout to da biffle bae ur actually the realest 1. also shoutout for reminding me to STAY POSITIVE. just in language in general towards myself its so easy to be so negative on urself... but no... every minor inconvenience does NOT make me want to KMS. #StayPositive. and its probably a good mental thing... if you say this stuff enough (good or bad) you start believing it... and stuff.. so... i need to be nicer to myself toO!!!!!!! Yay. Thanls. also. i was going through my old tweets on my priv twitter account thats just basically a diary and Dude i am SO glad i am not in the past anymore. like oh mman. im so glad im in THIS moment living this life right NOW because i was FREAKED UP back then dude. not like weird but i was so sad and in a genuienly horrible relationship in hindsight and im so glad its over

like oh man. that stuff was NOT NORMAL. like coming to terms with some of that crap i dealt with is like something i need to rememeber... bro i posted such sad stufff!! and i know i said in my last post that last summer wasnt bad because i was distracted in a relationship but i lied actually last summer sucked so bad and i was horribly depressed and mean to everyone!! and i did things i regret!! (but also i try to have no regrets. so NO REGERTS (but also yes, regerts.. but its a learning experience!)) and also my cat died LOL. RIP SULTAN. i just need to finally have a normal summer where im not superuper sad DUDE! this is the summer. THIS IS THE ONE! dude like sometimes i need to remind myself to look back and remind myself of how i got here in the first plcae because i forget EVERYTHING bad so easily,, its good but also sucks! like Yes live in the moment but remember how i got here, too!! and im glad im in this current position in life and i hope summer doesnt messs it all up and i stay Chillin. YAY! happy almost summer time! im excited.. actually.. as long as i stay busy and im not alone too much, itll be good.. but actually dude my sister (the one with a girlfriend) is staying in her college town over summer because idk... she doesnt like my parents. or wants freedom. and sometimes it feels like she abandoned me as soon as she went to college yk? like....the other day she was complaining about being with my parents alone for a trip, but i do that every day. and i understand i guess. but i feel like she forgot about me and went off to live her life, doesnt even want to come back for me. ill probably never live with her again or have what we used to have ever again. and every time anyone asks whos my best friend i always say her, but maybe im just being selfish by feeling like she abandoned me.

I LOVEW that song. HOOOEEEE HOP OFF. WHATEVA! bro. anywyas... speaking of men i Hate. i have a FREAKING GROUP PROEJCT *sobs* in FREAKING HISTORY (my least favorite class bc i know no one) and it sucks so bad... and my one friend in there... Shoutout Robert.. invited me to his group. of FREAKS. Bros i HATE talking to boys i feel like im tweakin out every time i have to talk to one.. like how you even treat them.. .Ew... cooties... or seomething... (im scared of boys probably because i only grew up with girls in my family other than my dad. thats probably why im a lesbian..). anyways these guys aare FREAKKYY and of COURSE we are doing a mash up presentation based on an essay we all wrote individually before and OFC I CHOSE TO WRITE MY ESSAY ON GAY PEOPLE like an IDIOT so now i have to present about gay people in this group of freaks who probably think gay people are FREAKS. and i am just sitting there... awkwardly.. trying to be normal.... shoutout Robert but why would you subject this on me. (hes the only normal one... except i dont understand half the words he says... i am not hip enough for this LIFE UHFDHGD). and then the group next to me was talking about planning a Hip Lit Func(tion) at an airbnb.. like i am not supposed to be here get me out of that DAMN HISTORY CLASS PLEASE I HATE IT THERE. WHY AM I THERE.

"I don't know what love is

Is there something else giving me the chills?

But if my hands are the color of blood

Then, baby, I can tell ya

Sure, I can tell ya

Love kills"

but i dont know. even last summer she did live at home, but even then it wasnt. normal. she went out every day was essentially NEVER EVER home, but when she was, she locked herself in her room and blasted music loudly or got high secretly (and denied it when i asked about our bathroom smelling like weed). i just remember feeling so frustrated with her. and yes we have our moments but idk i just feel like itll never be the same as it was. and her choosing not to come home this summer was like the final blow on it. i miss her and i just feel abandoned here at home while she goes off and lives her amazing life without me. sometimes it feels like she doesnt really think about the things she does, she just goes with the flow, i guess. doesnt really always consider everything.. shes just.. surface level on a lot of stuff.. i guess is the best way to describe it, which is kinda mean. i dunno. im probably being selfish and maybe a little jealous im stuck here. but it really sucks and i feel alone. i mean, i have my other sister, who i LOVE so much, and shes home for the summer, but she spends all her time with my mom and i dont always know how to talk to her like that. im glad shes here though, ive never felt abandoned by her,,, shes my rock, maybe. idk it all kinda sucks on that front, but im glad i have really good friends to depend on and stuff, they are awesome. thats the saddest thing about going to college, def... leaving my friends. i hope we stay friends. anyways Sorry got too sad there anyways happy monyay thanks monyayers for monyaying this monyay!!!! YYAYYY! SEE YOU NEXT TIME!

"Rock n' roll is dead

Music hurts the head, that’s why it’s cool

Strum a realistic song to hear Hunter say:

"So much hate for anyone we used to date”

goodnight! :P


welcome back multiverse

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It's been a while, huh?

Wasn't expecting to see this site up again,

but clicked every so often, hoping...

and look, it's back :-)

since it went down, my birthday has came and went

it wasn't a great birthday but i suppose not awful

one year i'll finally be able to spend it with my bf

and that's all that matters to me.

besides that, nothing has really happened.

my life is a total snoozefest lol. see you next time


my really (un)interesting thoughts #16

Help the universe got me… it knows….

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im so glad to be back on monyays....

song of da week


YAY FINALLY! Omg ive missed monyay multiverse posts so much NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ive been ITCHING... (to overshare on the internet)!!!! everything is finally normal now. exxcept now that its not... because today was so weird and i totally got karma.. for being the person that i am... Sigh. like do i deserve everything horrible that has happened? Yes. but am i still sad about it? Yes. Sigh. anyways. wheere does one start?! after SOOO LONG.... NO MONYAY SINCE MARCH!!!??? oh man. its hoirrble. PEACE IS RESTORED IN THIS WORLD! Thank god. i actually checked multiverse like every other day... in hope.. and I WAS RIGHT! anyways. my day. i got karma for being horrible today. and i lost my favorite chapstick. and on my THIRD day of driving myself to shcool (because im FINALLY allowed to drive myself now) i..... got in a fender bender.... SO EMBARASSING BRO THERES NO WAY. it was really minor... i barely scratched this guy.. and it was because i was STUPIDLYY STUPIDLY distracted by someone walking on the sidewalk like a FREAKING GODDAMN IDIOT. and i accidentally hit some guy (that was going very fast in my defnse) while taking a stupid left turn. the guy was nice... but i still had to give him my number. GOD IM SO STUPID AND DUMB THERES NO WAY.



"Neon lights

Shimmering neon lights

And at the fall of night

This city's made of lights"

like im actually just simply so embarassed and angry at myself for letting myself get distracted and just.. letting that happen. and i WANT to be mad at the world but i KNOW i deserve IT ALL. I HATE ITALLLL!!! im not untouchable. IM NOT UNTOUCHABLE!!! sigh. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. anyways. everything else was fine today... idk... i love my friends.... and stuff. yeah.. anyways. my Monyay activities. my CLASSSS!!! youd think that since early march that i wouldve actually gotten good... at drums.. and jazz piano... but no... i still suck really bad.. i think i feel improvement! especially in drums!!! but piano has really thrown me for a loop.. and THE JAZZ BAND AUDITION IS DUE ON JUNE 9!!!! THATS SO SOON!!! TOO SOON FOR ME TO GET GOOD BY THEN... (I CANNOT DO THAT). Hell naw. piano is jsut so tough.... WHY the FREAK do i have to understand WHY im playing all these notes and why cant i JUST PLAY THE NOTES. its so so SO hard to wrap my head around.. like in the song im practicing for my audition theres a D+7 chord. and i was like Da frick is a D+7?? and freaking nico is like.. "oh a D+7 is ACTUALLY just a Ab major 7 chord... but with D as a base" OK THEN WHY THE HELL IS IT WRITTEN AS A D+7 THEN??? WHY NOT JUST WRITE Ab MAJ 7/D!!!!???? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU LEE MORGAN??? "blah blah something about perfect triads (or something i forgot) is why!!" ITS SO CONFUSING. WHY CANT I JUST PLAY THE NOTES WHYYYY.!?!?!? its dirving me crazy. there is no other time where i feel MORE stupid than when im in that room with nico and im trying to understand all this jazz theory CRap.

amazing songz

"I don't really like shades, big rims, or jewelry

But gettin' time of day from a model is new to me

Bein' me isn't as hard as it used to be

Now everyone sing the chorus, man, you do it so beautifully"

like genuinely. i ACTUALLY feel stupid... and Tbh ive never felt like that b4... like Truly helplessly not knowing something... like i kNOW he views me as this stupid person who just cant understand... i just dont know HOW to understand. its so fruterating. not to mention i work horribly under pressure.. and i do things well when im at home practicing alone but when he is in the room during a class i get really nervous that ill mess everything up and then i DO mess everything up. soo.... i just dont know how to let go of myself i Suppoese. i dunno... ill just keep trying because i really really really want this... just sounds so awesome. i also feel like im really improving in drums!! like to the point whhere all the stuff im doing is beyond my crappy aleisis electric kit (Please i want an acoustic kit SO BAD)... and brushes.. and stuff,... its really fun!! but not to put all my eggs in one basket, but my only chance to get into jazz band is with piano... percussion is basically impossible and their drummers are already insanely good and im... not... and they also dont have a piano player AT ALL.. so basically my only shot is through piano.. which sucks.. but also.. IDK!! im trying. a lot! but i CAN ALWAYS DO MORE.

"Take it the goal goal

Push it to the limit

We are the movers and we don’t do "stop" (Say what?)"

"The mirror ball's throwing mold

You can't get a grip if there's nothing to hold

See the flash catch a white lily laugh and wilt

But if you must smash a glass first fill it to the hilt"

IDK. i dont want to be so negative but ive been really disappointing myself as of late i need to CARE MORE!!!!!! ABOUT MORE!!! BE MORE AND DO MORE!!! but also... i think thats just my horrible haircut speaking and once it grows out it will all be ok. anyways. i really REALY want jazz band... like nothing more in my whole life have i wanted jazz band. anyways.... today during my class nico was all likke "oh ya i was looking up about the kendrick vs drake stuff... who are you team?" LOLLLLLLLLLL... i told him im doing a project on that for school for my class and he laughed... and im team kendrick.. Obvi.. (tbh i still am pretty lost on the whole thing but im trying to stay Hip with it) but that was funny.. and then at the end of the class he GAVE ME HIS NUMBER LMAOOOOOOOOOOO....he was like "oh yeah.. i know emails kinda weird... so ill just give you my number.. if you have any questions...." LOLOOLLLL NUMBER COPPEDDD LITERALLY COPPED. so yeah hes basically in love with me.... (Ew... EWEWEWEWW). that was so funny. so now i have his number LMAO. so yeah.. it was a decent class for a crappy monyay.. and i didn't crash into anything on the way there so that was a plus. (Ugh.) idk ill power on... WAIT GUSY. CAN YOU BELIEVE ITS ONLY TWO (2) MONYAYS UNTIL SHCOOL IS OVER??!?!? OH MY GOD YES YESS!!! IM SO EXCITED!! for it to be OVER and to BEGIN SENIOR YEAR!! GOD BLESS AMERICA! im so ready.. summers gonna be so awesome!!!!


yay jazz song of da week!!


IM A SUCCKERRR FOR BOSSA NOVA ILL BE THE FIRST ONE TO SAY IT!!! god. GOD I LOVE BOSSA NOVAAA.. this song is fire... its part of my jazz audition... lik,e oh man its Fire. i love love love the piano in it and i think the melody is super aweomse... shoutout mr simon... for the PMO.

like now that i can actually drive!!! and im allowed to!!! its like.. IT FOR ME!!!! YAYAYAYAY!!!! although, summer makes me nervous, because i hate hate hate being alone because me alone is like.. the worst part of me.. and i get weird and sad and just nothign is good. and last summer i was in a relationship so it was all ok and i was distracted mostly but the summer before that... like i dont... want that... again... and im nervous for this summer.. but i have awesome friends and things to do and internships and stuff... so !! i hope HOPE it will all be ok!! and i will read and practice instruments and all that... Sigh i wish i had an acoustic drum kit though. but i mean, im not pursuing any of this. so yeah. i am pretty excited for school to be over... one step closer to graduation, which, on one hand im looking forward to, independence and college and crap.. but also. the future is scary, and after senior year,,, ill never ever be a kid again! EVER!! and so.. i suppose i must make this year ReALLLYY count!!! SUPER MEGA!! enjoy it a lot!! pleasss!!! anyways... ii think things are going good right now!! besides todays mishaps and regrets... its smooth sailing from here. especially in terms of school... and stuff.. friends.. relationships... life.. and yeah. just need to get off the phone (curse you instagram reels!!!!!!) and be A KID!!!!!!! oh man i really missed multiverse... i wonder why/how it went back up.. i thought the owners forgot about it Tbh!! im so happy its back though... i have a horrible oversharing problem and im not as cool and mysterious as i would hope i am.. and multiverse helps me.. because i can overshare and be NOT myserious here.. and then be the cool NON-oversharer and mysterious person IRL!!! i guess i couldve gone on tumblr or something else but also i LOVE the creative aspect of multiverse.... its like mini graphic design blogs!!! idk i love it. and i TRIED neocities. im like never coding ever.

ohhh i was home alone this past weekend because my whole family went to my sisters grad in iowa but i had an exam so i stayed home.. and it was a fun good experience! i cooked and cleaned and took care of the cats and stuff and i liked it a lot... it was pretty crazy.. .and also i met a raccoon!! one night i went out at like 10pm (yeah dangerous i know but whatever im still alive) into my neighborhood.. and i kinda live on the point of a hill so theres this peak of the hill where everyone goes for sunsets and you can kinda just look down on the valley i live in ... and i went there (because i had to do at least ONE rebellious thing while my parents were away) and it was like... actually insane. going out at night like is so nice.... the crickets were so loud and i could hear like everything....... and all the bugs.. one of the bugs sounded like marbles bouncing together??? and there was a frog croaking?? and a dog barking in the distance,, LOL it was liek a perfect little fairytale scene or something... and i was just like.. looking out!! on the valley!! and the moon was right there. and im like. Oh man this is waht i want to do for a living (be in the world..... nature.. crap...). Perspectives..... and crap.. or seomthing... idk.... im not really deep liek that. but it was really good. and i think everyone should go on a night walk through their neighborhood.. and make friends with a raccoon and sit in trees (i have a favorite tree to sit in right next to the school next to my house... its so comfortable to just chill in.. so i also went there that night). anyways!!! HAPPY FIRST MONYAY SINCE MARCH!!! IM SO HAPPY MONYAYS ARE FINALLY BACK FINNALLY PEACE IS RESTORED AND EVERYTHING IS NORMAL AGAIN!!!!!!!! YIIPPPEEEE!!! STAY TUNED FOR ANOTHER MONYAY NEXT WEEK!! (assuming the site doesn't go down again) YAY!! love all the monyayers out there... even though everyone ever thinks this site is still dead probably. Rip. goodnight!

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I didn't think this site would be back. I'm happy that wasn't the case

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what even happened here...?



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HELLO MULTIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS BACK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO!!!!!! HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I missed it so much. I'm finally free from the shackles (of having no multiverse). Hurrah!

hardy hardy hoo

i am super lesbians for my gf

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Some thoughts of this lovely evening is how this weekend is me and my gf's SIX MONTHS!!! I can't believe it guys I'm literally the happiest little camper in all of lesbianville :3 Fun fact before our relationship I just had an Instagram crush. You heard it here! Your delusionships will turn real! Source: snorin on multiverse.

This is the longest relationship I've been in and I've never been happier!!!! IM GEEKING!!!! ohhhh man I love my girlf I cant freaking wait to see them again (we're on facetime as I write this). Anyhoo my gf is awesome so I'm just going to keep gushing about them. Last Friday our school had a concert with student bands performing AND MY AWESOME GIRLFY PERFORMED! They were on vocals and bass for such awesome music and guys. I was SWOONING. I cant believe they like me honestly. Like they're a cool rockstar and i enjoy doing puzzles and crosswords :3

i think we compliment each other :D

if u want - keni titus ^this is our song :<)

real life photo of my gf

FIRST [Page]

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Extra things I like!!!


Little Tidbits about me ❢

Things I HAAATTEEE!1!1!1!1!1


My name is [AMARIS]








I REALLY LIKE JoJo's Bizzare Adventure,

Studio Investigrave games, the Scream franchise, Horror RPGS, Alice in Wonderland media, FNAF {If it wasn't obvious}










TIKTOK:- @no_dingdong

DISCORD:- nauseaxe_404.

SPACEHEY:- Amaris💯

SPOTIFY:- Daxhatesspotify



my really (un)interesting thoughts #15

Boss(a nova)

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HELLO INTERNET! happy monyay to ALL! YAY. monyay. of HELL WEEK. oh my god thi week is going to be too Freakin turnt for me. spirit week.. spring dance... everything. oh man. welp. We keep on keepin on. debrief this week: my class today was so Normal. almost.. too... normal... Jk. we started another song thats NOT tenor madness.. and it was Awessome it was (BOSS)A NOVA. Song for Mai Fatherrrrr. so FIre. Omg. on both Piano &drumsssssssss its so COOOLLLLLLL its like REAl LIFE AWESOME. but i still suck at my scales. and its still EMBARASSING. ugh. idk how to be good i literally practiced. Will try my best. Trust. nayyyyyyyy... >3<... Erm honestly not much to report today. Wow. what kind of monyay is this. ok first of all the fit was fire so 80s Asstheticcccccccc (one of those color block windbreakers). King. he asked me what 8 x 3 was for some reason.. soemthing abt the sheet music.. and i DID IT WITH MY FINGErS and i was so embarssing. i almost died. irl. he looked So diappointed actually like my whole generation is failed because i cant do 8 x 3 in my head. ITS NOT MY FAULT MATH ISNT MY FREAKIN SUBJECT JESUSSSSSSSSSSS BROOOOOOOO. but i Ate the friggin comping.. its so fun to Undedrstand OMmmggg :3. and bossa nova is SO FUN to play and do and everything i Love it so much. totally so COOOOOOOOOOL. i love feeling. so. Stupid. every. monyay. HAaaaaaaahhhhhhhh..




" I wanna be stereotyped

I wanna be classified

I wanna be masochistic

I wanna be a statistic

I wanna be a clone!

I want a suburban home!!!!!!!!!!"



"The wild escape

Disoriented, she takes herself

On a lunar safari

The sudden Odyssey

Far from a solar memory

The moon"

lyrics translated from French

lyrics translated from French

Seriously. dont think i ever feel more stupid. eff it we balll. nayways im jsut so excited. for Bosa ovaaaaaa. so Super cool. smooth jazz troll irl... or smooth jazz nyan cat (just discovered today)(i love nyan cat)( i got in trouble for watching nyan cat vids in class with my Biffle Bae today)(i was so emabrassed). speaking of Jazz.... my teacher advisor girl idk shes the advisor for the team im on is literally Kinda being weird abt things... like she was being so weird abtwanting to join jazz band.. and other things.. idk.. i think i need to distance myself cuz like she treats me like we r bffs.. Girl ur my teacher. u cant be my bff... Haha... PLEASE. and i think... i might not take her class next year if i get into jazz band... i dont know if i can handle her THAT much. it becomes this weird relationship where she treats me like we r bffs on the same level but then also shes my teacher. so obviously she has that over me and can use the "oh we r bffs ur literally my secretary adopted daughter" card on me when she wants..her way...but also she has authority and is a person of power over me.. so she can use it.. like to convince me or something.... like with jazz band.. or other things. and i know she wouldnt use it to her advtange in a WEIRD way. its just odd... and teacher student boundaries are def being crossed...... YIKES. i think i might just stop telling her things abt me. honestly i nkow she'd be so mad if i didn't take her class next year over Jazz band... but thats just the thing. shed be MAD. youre my teacher!!!! its MY life. ur like 40. and haeve 3 kids. Ok sorry. its just been bothering me lately.. shes a Queen. i swarrrr.... i just need to Stay Aware.

"Pale night, darkness falls, not a woman to be seen

You wonder how you will make it through, once at the mercy of the red birds

And suddenly, you remember this secret so well-kept:

"Our is not to do or die, our is to smoke and stay high"

the french people came and now i LUV Dem French Tunes. so. FIREEEE. the ones on the left are my highlightss. the electronic synth sound of France is so beaitful i Died. Help im soooooooooooo tired. last week i went to that jam session Tingyyyyy my teacher told me to go to with my Biffle Bae and it was soooooooooooooo Funny.... like it was a bumch of Hip Col teens all there... but they all KNEW eachother.. and we were like 30 mins late so we jsut kinda sat in the corner for 2 hours and watched these kids improvise......... for two hours... No one.. aproaching us.. (to be fair we didn't apprach anyone either but Stilll. we r valid. Shy.. and Scared... Naked and Afraid.... IM SO TIRED OH MY GOSH) but i sitll had a Pawsome time :3 its cool Getting out there. and trying new things... even if they don't work out. ITS THE EXPERIENCE!!!!!!! AND IT WAS AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEE. i think my teacher thought it was a jazz thing and it wasnt anyways LOL. still. i knew dat going in. YOLO! OMG. my sister FREAKING GOT A GIRLFRIEND. jesus. LIKE A REAL LIFE OFFICAL GIRLFRIEND. Oh she needs Gods love for this. at least her girlf is SO FREAKING COOL oh my GODUHHHHHH. so CRAZY. AND ALSO my sister just got like two new tattoss. genuinely shes livin da life. but my parents will iterally disown her that is actually so crazy. i hope she wins everything *CRY EMOJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII* i lvoe my sister so much actually shes my qUeen. so exctied for spring break. after HELL WEEEEEK. im so TIRED of the CYCLE i know i keep saying this but WHEN DOES IT END? IS THIS HOW LIFE JUST GOES ON FOREVER LIKE THIS? week weekend week weeke

like GOD im sick of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEN DOES IT END WHENNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! Help oh my GODUHHHHHHHHHHHh. (keeping the minsdset trust)i have to dress up tmrw and idk what as.. some music thing. i wanted to be a beastie boy but i dont want people to think im just a generic rapper... and idk how to make it clear im a beastie boy. maybe ill go full drag queen for Kevin Barnes (I LOVE YOU KEVIN BARNES OH MY GOD). Jeez this monyay was so short...lacked so much debrief... i had a Long Week. and i had SO MUCH HOMEOWRKKKKKKKK oh my hof i had to start this later than my normal time. the Grind. Keep. Grinding. im frgrinding. PLAEASE. LET ME GRINFd. im ging to fall asleep at my Freaking keyboard. i had to grind it out though. thanks all da monyayers... sorry for the disappointing monyay this monyay. ill come back strong next monyay. TRUST. TRUUSTTT!!!!

smooth jazz nyan cat says Baiii and Goodnight!!!


i have no idea what i’m doing lmao

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uhhhhhhh hi i'm Nobody! sorry if this looks bad, i was a bit confused with the setting up thingymajig but uhhhh yeah.

i'm a minor and i sometimes type like this to really sooth into the interwebs. big webs scare me tho im never gonna go there /j

i've been really interested on the old webs as of late, they seem so cool with such personality as well! i feel that this will really test it with such a cool idea here!

i don't really care about pronouns just use any/all on me i don't care lol

so cool,,,


uhhhhh that's about it,,, cya in like... idfk like 42 years? maybe... yeah


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a collection of pictures of the sky, taken by me, during february 2024


insert three fire emojis

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ok so im like kinda lazy to make my post look pretty n all, so im js gonna write n then remake it one day of these. also yea i kinda type like an edgar so im sorry. </3

my name is adonis, tho i also like being called cade.

ion care what pronouns u use on me but they/them is fine.

im mexican n i will mention that cuz hell yeah

alr now heres a long list of my interests cuz i cannot shut up abt all of this (CAPS ARE HYPERFIXATIONS!!)






oh i also really luv spawn, nightwing, n ghost rider. ngl i would do anything to look like one of them.

truly hope ion appear like some sigma male edgar cut dude, pls tell me yall see me as a coquette girlie.

idk what else to add so im gonna say that this is it, thats everything abt me. theres no more, this is me entirely.

literature, FOOTBALL (both of them), hannibal barca, the roman empire, CARS, sea creatures, greek mythology, renaissance art, law of talos / endzone, antiheroes.

THE STANLEY PARABLE (+ ultra deluxe), geometry dash, just shapes and beats, project sekai, COOKIE RUN, doom eternal, call of duty, halo, ea fc, portal.

im really hyper-masculine but im also js a girl. :3

RADIOHEAD, weezer, foo fighters, muse, rage against the machine, MOLOTOV, pxndx, soviet soviet, deftones, nirvana, THYRGRIM, mnhg, seventh angel, theocracy, XAVI, fuerza regida, peso pluma, BOSSFIGHT, excision, riot.

gladiator, suits, THE BOYS, the hudscuker proxy, mean girls, the twilight zone, american psycho, bungo stray dogs, moral orel.

carmila, the stranger, white nights, dead poets society, a certain hunger, american psycho, FAHRENHEIT 451, the song of achilles, schoolgirl, little women, brave new world, a little life, #murdertrending, no longer human, living dead girl, girl interrupted.


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ADD MY DISCORD. @unmasskthebat



A introduction

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Just created this page

Awesome sauce

Ok so introduction

I lovee love love regretavator

I really like fnaf

Fav character isss

Mangle <3

My fav bands/artists are

Thats it for now bye!!

Hello helloo!

Im anne

Im 15!

My birthday is

17 march!

I use all pronouns

My tik tok is frxggycat<3

୨୧ introduction ⋆゚⊹

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HAI im marsie barsie , i love kaoru hakaze Can you tell . . . i found this site randomly & i really wanted to make my own little blog thing >< don't know how active ill be , maybe ill post my thoughts or whatever !!!

Hehe. There's no day off when it comes to love, you see~. ♪

i love hanabie , undead , slipknot , bmth , shinsei kamattechan , denkare , ily:1 , snake river conspiracy , dethtech , limp bizkit , drowning pool , hollow mellow , itzy , xdinary heroes , red velvet , mars argo , jack off jill , nu metal

uhm im super into kaoru hakaze , i would love to talk to you about him . DNI IF YOU THINK YOU LIKE HIM MORE THAN ME!!!!!! but ya i love my wife

he / him 5-6teen yr old who loves web design . and kaoru hakaze . BIG DISGUSTING YUMEDANSHI !!!! the only kaoru kisser ever :3

interests : editing , graphic design , penpalling , html / css , hamsters!! , ero guro esp takato yamamoto works , writing , vn rpg games , ensemble stars , yumesute , did i mention kaoru hakaze

if you want to chat , here are my socials

disc : flirtybastard

instagram : flopkaze

twt : oxigenical

journal entry no.??


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2024/03/03 ☆*: .

i return! trying out a slightly different way of formatting posts this time, using a lot more of the random images i have saved :D hopefully it both looks cool and also does a better job of communicating who i am or something

back to school, bought my plane ticket home (july 1), had to reject the same guy again.

read 19 more books (including dungeon meshi, the last herald-mage series, and two different catholic school shojou/proto-bl manga), working through the 20th (boswell's same sex unions in pre-modern europe).

been doing slightly less drawing, and what i have been doing has been mostly in ms paint.

looking forward to going home, but enjoying my time here.

what do i want to do with my life? how do i convince an elderly couple of farmers to adopt me as their own? if i want to be a farmer, why the hell am i going to school for an astronomy degree? should i learn piano? write a book? which book do i write? or is a comic a better medium? what about a series of greek vases? is my favorite book not good? will my mother ever be proud of me? will i ever remember the difference between perfect and imperfect tense? will the world collapse in 10 years or 20?

i've been playing a lot of minecraft recently. i think it's a game that shows the inherent goodness of humanity. our desire to build. our ability to collaborate. that we don't need governing systems to care for each other.

i think a lot about rodrigo of caledon. what is love? boswell says that humans usually don't even properly understand what they are feeling at a given moment, and are therefore much less able to accurately identify emotions in another person. rodrigo loves rustin. is it different than the way he feels for tresa, his fiance? yes. is either of those feelings inherently more 'true' or 'meaningful'? i don't think so. tresa and her relationship to roddy admittedly feels a bit more one dimensional than the relationship with rustin, but she can't help being a woman in a 90s fantasy novel. catullus once tells lesbia that he loves her "not only as a mistress, but in the way a father loves his sons." i didn't get it for a while, but when i was picking out quotes for this post, i reread the paragraph that drives me insane ("was this love? would i feel so for tresa, were she mine?") and finally took the time to think about the sentence proceeding it: "were he a child of my own flesh, i could feel no greater pain." ohhh. this. this is what catullus was talking about. i see. i get it.

i like reading and talking about love, but i've never experienced genuine romantic attraction in my life. or maybe that's not it, but i love everything to the point where singling out one person to love the most seems ridiculous. i think this is the monk/nun grindset. maybe i should become a priest. hmm.

iphis and ianthe is so underrated despite being the only surviving greco-roman myth about sapphics...

i'm nearly done watching lotgh! only 9 episodes (out of 110) left... maybe next post will be about why it's so good. maybe.


March 24 Vision Broad

Wealth, black alt friends, e bikes

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I would consider myself as a neet. I

rarely go outside, even if I do, I

only go somewhere like grocery store.

I don't go to school as well. Hmm, I

should avoid topics that trigger me.

My daily life is plain and boring, I

wake up, browse the Internet, and

sleep. I isolate myself from the

society as a coping mechanism. People

are scary after all. And my tattered

heart can't hold pain anymore. My

shut-in life is peaceful recently

(it was chaotic cuz of my family).

i made 3 onigiri 4 u...



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hey i'm Sam pronouns she/her

im new here ;^

⋆⊹˚₊ Intro ₊˚⊹⋆

Also just kind of testing out how to use this site lol

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Magic / Ten

25 (26 soon)

She / They

NB Lesbian

Graphic Designer | Digital Artist

Inconsistent Twitch Streamer

Hobbyist Creative Writer

HTML Beginner

Amateur Video Editor

Beginner Synth Vocal Editor

Perler Beads | Kandi | Glass Painting

Slumber Party Host

Sleepiest Magical Girl

Cosplayer on Hiatus

Plushie / Figure Collector

Pixels sourced from Kittea-Paws, King-Lulu-Deer, and Silkanide on DA

Physical Media Collector

Manga Collector

₊   𓎟𓎟 ⁺ ⸒ " HOLD IT ! " 𓂃 ♱

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my name is elias

or doll / dollette.

cherub and seraphim are fine too.

i would prefer it if you asked if you can call me a nickname

my pronouns are . .

the flags, web badges, and symbols represent parts of my identity. the otherkin flags? in order, dollkin, ghostkin, zombiekin, angelkin, and fictionkin. these help me cope with feeling as if i am nonhuman / loss of identity, please be mindful of that :)

i like music.. music is my first love.

at the moment, i am really fixated on one of my first fandoms, ace attorney. ever since that, i've wanted to be a lawyer. i should still be one.

i am a yumedanshi (basically a selfshipper) and a fudanshi

somewhat blunt autistic, my empathy is fluid. i need tone tags, and i do use them. i talk a lot and tend to come off as annoying. + i self monitor and mirror people. basically a bunch of masking stuff. i need to be assured that i don't need to mask

i have schizophrenia as well.

i like studying psychology / psychiatry , philosophy, law, political science, religion, socialism (specifically marxism and anarchism, not too into communism yet

@objection on retrospring

@sweetsob on discord

@eliasphilic on tumblr

doll / dollself


no pronouns

saint / saintself
